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Weekly Sample Questions #13

                                      for  Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students

                                    Power English                                   7.There are 20 marbles in a bag. All 20 are the same size. Seven are blue, 5 are
                                                                                      black, and 8 are white. Hugo picks a marble without looking and replaces
             (Questions for 1 to 5)                                                   it. Angelina then picks a marble without looking. What is the probability that

             The Verve - Urban Hymns                                                  Hugo picks a black marble and Angelina picks a white marble?
              Album Of The Month                                                     A.    5                   B.                                  C.    5                    D. 1
              This is an impossibly good album. The third release from the Verve – a UK band   8.How many triangles can you draw using any three of the five points on the
              who split up after two albums and several turbulent years of unfulfilled promise, only      circle as vertices?
              to come back with this really makes “Be here Now” look a little directionless. The two
              bands have very similar sounds, in that they are both influenced by a number of Brit-                                                                         A. 8
              ish 60s bands and a certain psychedelic sensibility, but on the evidence of this disc, The                                                                          B. 9
              Verve’s Richard Ashcroft is arguably a better songwriter. He’s certainly a lot less ob-                                                                         C. 10
              sessed with emulating the work of The Beatles. Starting out with their first single “Bit-
              tersweet Symphony”, the album drips monster hits. Sonnet is a masterpiece, as is One                                                                          D. 12
              Day and any number of others. It’s the kind of album that restores your faith in rock & roll.
                                                                                    9. During a one-month period, Mr. Wilson took 3 business trips. He traveled
             1.In ‘The Verve’s’ album review, the opening sentence is an example of      round trip from Adelaide to Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. How many
              A. hyperbole          B. paradox                     C. imagery                 D. irony       kilometres did Mr. Wilson travel altogether?
                                                                                           Road Mileage (From Adelaide )
             2.The word ‘turbulent’ means                                                                                                                    A. 2999 kilometres
              A.  lost                   B. disappointing       C.irritating                      D. agitated                                                                          B. 3899 kilometres
             3.The reviewer has compared ‘Urban Hymns’ with Oasis ‘Be Here Now’ because                                                                          C. 5998 kilometres
              A. 'Urban Hymns' is an album with more direction.                                                                                              D. 6998 kilometres
              B. Oasis is in competition with The Verve.
              C. They are albums which are “directionless”.                         10.A list of ten numbers contains two of each of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. The two
              D. Both albums are as good as each other.
                                                                                        0s are next to each other, the two 1s are separated by one number, the two 2s
             4.“He’s certainly a lot less obsessed with emulating the work of The Beatles”       by two numbers, the two 3s by three numbers and he two 4s by four numbers.
                 implies that                                                           The list starts 3, 4, … . What is the last number?
              A. Richard Ashcroft aspires to writing popular songs like The Beatles.
              B. song writing is an obsession for Richard Ashcroft.                  A. 0                         B. 1                        C.  2                                 D. 4
              C. it is debatable whether Richard Ashcroft can write songs like The Beatles.
              D. there is a sense of originality in Richard Ashcroft’s song writing.  ● Check your answers on our website
             5. In this album, ‘Sonnet’ and ‘One Day’ are                            Answers can be found under "NEWS" →  "Answers for weekly samples"
              A. exemplary creations.                    B. unbelievably off beat.
              C. suited to rock and roll.         D. one of the same.
                                   Power Mathematics                                                                       ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
             6.The letters a, b and c represent numbers. Which of the following is not true?
                                                                                                                           ·문의 : 02 9890 7177
              A. a + (b × c) = (a + b) × (a + c)  B. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
              C. a × (b + c) = (a × b) + (a × c)  D. a × b × c = (a × c) × b

                                                                                                                              중급편은 78page를 확인해주세요.
                                                 마트 / 물건 찾기                                                                     회화편은  68page를 확인해주세요.
                                                     실생활에서 많이 쓰이는 500문장!
                                                 · Where are the shopping carts?  (웨어 아 더 쇼핑 카츠?)  쇼핑 카트는 어디에 있어요?

                                                     1   Is this in addition?   추가로 하시는 겁니까?
                                                 · Where is the produce section? (웨어 이즈 더 프로듀스 섹션?) 야채 코너는 어디예요?
                         실생활 기초 영어!              · Can I buy Korean products here? (캔 아이 바이 코리안 프러덕츠 히어?)  한국 상품을 팔고 있어요? 왕 초보  영 어
                                                     2   He's all mouth.   그 사람은 말뿐이에요.

                                                 · Where are imported products? (웨어 아 임포티드 프러덕츠?)  수입 상품은 어디서 팔아요?
                                                     3   That's my affair!   그건 네가 알 바 아니다!
                                                 · What products are on sale?  (왓 프러덕츠 아 온 세일?) 오늘의 특가 상품은 뭐예요?
                                                     4   That's another pair of shoes.   그건 딴 얘기다.
                                                    Expression / word
                                                     5   That's apples and oranges.   그건 비교가 될 수 없어.
                                                   ·shopping carts : 쇼핑 카트 ·fruit : 과일       ·products are on sale
                                                   ·produce : 야채       ·Korean products  : 한국 상품     특가 상품
                                                     6   It's our ace in the hole.   그건 우리 비장의 카드야.

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