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Weekly Sample Questions #14

                                      for  Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students

                                    Power English                                                         Power Mathematics

             (Questions for 1 to 5)                                                 6. Nathan bought a skateboard that was priced at $49.85. However the store
              Pupils can’t phone a friend                                           owner complained to Nathan that the tax on the skateboards were too high at
                                                                                    30 percent. Approximately, what is the original price of the skateboard?
              STUDENTS caught using iPhones and other gadgets in VCE exams could be   A. $39.45                   B. $36.40                        C. $37.40                             D. $38.35
              stripped of their year 12 certificate.
                 The iPhone and similar mobile phone technology are the latest items to be
              banned from exam rooms.                                               7. David found out later, that one of his exams wasn’t cancelled at all. He had
                 Victorian Education Minister Bronwyn Pike will announce the ban today.  to do another ADDITIONAL paper instead. David needs to achieve an average
                 She last night urged students not to jeopardise their chances of success.  of 90%. How many marks does David need to get in his last exam if he has an
                 “Mobile phones will be confiscated if brought into an exam,” she said.  average of 88% for his last four exams?
                 “Students found to be using mobile phones or unauthorised electronic devices   A. 98                           B. 49                              C. 48                                       D. 96
              could have their exam results reduced or even cancelled.”
                 Ms Pike said students with “hi-tech” phones had become accustomed to us-  8.Every morning Krono sprints to his nearby park at a steady speed of 16 km/h.
              ing them as calculators in class. But she warned they would not be admitted as   After having a short drink  break at the park he walks back to his home at a
              scientific calculators. Other items banned in exams include MP3 players and   speed of 4 km/h. If the distance from his house and park  is 3 km, how long is his
              electronic dictionaries.                                              total travel time to and from the park together (to the nearest minute)?
                 VCE written exams will be held between October 31 and November 20.  A.62 min                     B.58 min                          C.52 min                               D.56 min
                                                                   PETER ROLFE
                                                                  Herald-Sun 2008
                                                                                    9. Stan had four-fifths of a bottle of Powerade in his fridge. If his brother came
                                                                                    home after basketball practice and drank a third of what was left, how much
             1. iPhone have been banned to prevent students from:                   Powerade does Stan have left now in the bottle?

             (a) cheating         (b) listening to music        (c) playing games        (d) taking photos
                                                                                       5                 3                  8                      7
                                                                                    A.                                  B.                                   C.                                          D.   15
             2. Choose the odd word out:
             (a) banned    (b) unauthorised             (c) jeopardise         (d) prohibit  10. If Q + 55 = 32 and Q is twice as large as P, what is P + Q?
                                                                                    A. - 41.5                        B. - 50                           C. - 34.5                       D. 23
             3. This article is designed to be:
                                                                                    ● Check your answers on our website
             (a) humorous   (b) informative            (c) entertaining         (d)controversial   Answers can be found under "NEWS" →  "Answers for weekly samples"

             4. Which of the following is not a clipped word?
             (a) phone              (b) exam                       (c) gadge                         (d) tech
                                                                                                                           ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
             5. Which of the following words contains the Greek root for sound?
                                                                                                                           ·문의 : 02 9890 7177
             (a) electronic   (b) dictionary            (c) mp3 player          (d) telephone

                                                                                                                              중급편은 78page를 확인해주세요.
                                                 부재중 / 메세지 부탁                                                                   회화편은  68page를 확인해주세요.
                                                     실생활에서 많이 쓰이는 500문장!
                                                 · May I speak to James?  (메이 아이 스픽 투 제임스?)  제임스 씨 있어요?
                                                     1   He is an amusing old party.   그는 늙었어도 재미있는 사람이다.
                         실생활 기초 영어!              · He is out at the moment.  (히 이즈 아웃 앳 더 모먼트) 그 사람이 자리에 없네요.              왕 초보  영 어
                                                 · Has he left for the day?  (해즈 히 레프트 포 더 데이? )  퇴근하셨어요?
                                                     2   I feel as if their hardship is mine.   남의 일 같지 않네요
                                                 · No. He is working outside of the office  (노우. 히 이즈 워킹 아웃사이드 업 디 오피스)
                                                     3   There is a small party afterwards.   뒤풀이가 있어요.
                                                      아니요, 외근 중이세요.
                                                 · Please leave a message that Smith called.  (플리즈 리브 어 메시지 댓 스미스 콜드)
                                                     4   What's the angle?   수지는 맞겠는가?
                                                      스미스가 전화했었다고 메시지 남겨 주세요.
                                                    Expression / word
                                                     5   My brother and I are only a year apart.   우리 형제는 한 살 차이 밖에 안 나.
                                                   ·at the moment : 지금 자리에  ·left for the day : 퇴근   ·working outside of the office
                                                     6   This is anything but good.   이게 좋기는 뭐가 좋아.
                                                   ·Please : 부탁드립니다.     ·He is out  : 그는 나갔어요     외근

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