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Weekly Sample Questions #16

                                      for  Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students

                                     Power English                                                       Power Mathematics

            Questions 1 to 5 - DAYS OF JOY AND HEARTBREAK                          6. To boost sales of Butter Cookie, the marketing team decided to use the char-
                                                                                   acters from the animation, Ratatouille, to sell the cookie. The manufacturers of
             Read the extract from the play    Bertie : Yes!                       Butter Cookie are planning to include Remy and Linguini in some of the boxes
                                               Teddy : On a scale of one to ten, how terrible?  of cookie.  Every 15th box of cookie will contain a Remy. Every 25th box will con-
             It is a typical day in the home of Tilly and Teddy   Bertie : Fifteen!  tain a Linguini. 10,000 new boxes of cookies were shipped out to supermarkets
             Tedium. They are seated on a lounge relaxing as   Tilly : Bertie, you haven’t…
             the curtain opens.                Teddy : But I have!                 nationwide. How many boxes of cookie will contain both prizes?
             Narrator Welcome to chapter 3456 of ‘Days of   Teddy and Tilly : Who told you?
             Joy and Heartbreak’, a chronicle of life in the   Bertie : No one. I just looked in every cabbage   (a) 26                       (b) 133                    (c) 143                  (d) 222
             typical  suburban  home  of  the  Tedium  Family.   patch in town- and there are no babies there!
             (The narrator exits.)             Tilly : We can explain, Bertie! Um, ask your father!
             Tilly : Ah, Teddy, this is the life. No problems.  Bertie : Well Father?  7.A flight leaves Hong Kong at 11:00 (local time) and lands in Pupuya at 17:10
             Teddy : Yes, Tilly, this is the life all right.  Teddy : We were only joking when we said babies      (local time). The time Hong Kong is 4 hours ahead of the time in Pupuya.
             Tilly : We’ve worked hard all our days and now we   came from cabbage patches.     How long does the flight take?
             can sit back and soak up life’s rich twilight.  Bertie : Were you?
             Teddy : Without a care in the world.                                    (a) 10 hours 10 minutes                   (b) 6 hours 10 minutes
              (Their son Bertie rushed in.)    Tilly : That’s right - the stork brings them.  (c) 2 hours 10 minutes                    (d) 4 hours 10 minutes
             Bertie : Mother, Father.          Bertie : Oh, the stork. Right. Of course. Well
             Teddy and Tilly : Yes, son?       thanks for straightening that out. I must dash
             Bertie : I’ve made a terrible discovery!  now or I’ll be late for medical school. Bye, bye.
             Tilly : Oh no!                    (He exits.)                         8.How many different rectangles are there in the following figure?
                                                                                     (a) 12                    (b) 14
            1.  The Tedium Family is quite
              (a) poor             (b) joyful          (c) dreary                  (d) dismal  (c) 16             (d) 18

            2. The ‘school’ Bertie goes to is a                                    9. The product of two consecutive odd numbers is 3843. What is their sum?
              (a) preschool                                              (b) primary school  (a) 124                     (b) 120        (c)125                    (d)128
              (c) hospital staff training college                (d) university

            3. When Bertie discovers that babies do not come from cabbage          10. If   a * *  b = 2 × b + a × b, what does  4 * 5 mean?
                patches he feels it is                                               (a)  30               (b)  28                      (c)  18  (d)  20
              (a) a disaster           (b) a problem          (c) a trick           (d) an impossibility
                                                                                   ● Check your answers on our website
            4. Teddy and Tilly Tedium would be about                                Answers can be found under "NEWS" →  "Answers for weekly samples"
              (a) 12 years old        (b) 20 years old          (c) 60 years old         (d) 90 years old

            5. Bertie Tedium could be best descrbed as                                                                     ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
              (a) simple and innocent           (b) foolish and impatient
              (c) trusting and sensitive        (d) caring and thoughtful                                                  ·문의 : 02 9890 7177

                                                                                                                              중급편은 78page를 확인해주세요.
                                                                                                                                회화편은  68page를 확인해주세요.
                                                     실생활에서 많이 쓰이는 500문장!
                                                 좌석 / 관람예절
                                                 · Don't kick the seat, please.  (돈 킥 더 씻, 플리즈)  의자를 발로 차지 말아 주세요.
                                                     1   May I have your autograph?   사인해 주세요.
                         실생활 기초 영어!              · Okay. I'm sorry.   (오케이. 아임 쏘리) 네, 죄송합니다.                               왕 초보  영 어

                                                     2   I have such an awful toothache.   치통이 너무 심해요.
                                                 · I can't see. Please sit down.   (아이 캔트 씨. 플리즈 씻 다운)  안 보여요. 앉아요!
                                                     3   The ayes have it.   찬성자 다수로 가결되었다
                                                 · Please take off your hat.   (왓플리즈 테익 오프 유어 햇 ) 모자를 벗어 주세요.
                                                     4   It's hard to tell the difference only by their appearances.   길고 짧은 것은 대 보아야 안다.

                                                   Expression / word
                                                     5   Who won the life-time achievement award this year?   올해 공로상은 누가 받았나?
                                                  ·Don't kick :          ·sorry : 미안합니다.    ·hat. : 모자
                                                     6   Now back to the grind.   죽으나 사나 또 일하러 가야지.
                                                     차지 말아 주세요.          ·I can't see :  안 보여요  ·seat : 의자

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