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MY Education / 교육•이민•유학

                                 Weekly Sample Questions #29
                                 Weekly Sample Questions #40
                                Weekly Sample Questions #40

                                        for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students
                                        for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students
                                       for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students
                                       Power English
                                                                                                           Power Mathematics
                                                                                                          Power Mathematics
                                       Power English
                                     Power English                                                       Power Mathematics
             Questions 1 ~ 5
             Questions for 1 to 5.                                                  6. There are 5 grey, 3 navy, 2 blue, and 5 pink marbles in a hat. You
                                                                                    6. What should replace the __?
                                                                                    pick 2 marbles from the hat. Marbles are not returned after they have
                                  CANCER> June 23 – Jul 23
              LETTER OF THE DAY                                                     been drawn. Find the probability (that the first marble is grey and the
                                                                                                             (5 - 11) __ 12 + 88 = 42
                        Money makes the world go round. So they say. What about love?   second marble is blue).
              IT seems William Cameron (“At loss over frock shock”, September 16) up holds the view   1    1                    1                  1
                        Love just inspires it to keep turning… it doesn’t actually make it.
                                                                                     (a) –                                  (b)  ÷                               (c) ×
                                                                                                                                                        (d)  +
              that women can only be feminine when they are dressed up all pretty in a frock.  When   (a)                                   (b)                                    (c)                                   (d)   15
                        There’s a big difference. Ask yourself, do  you want to be led by
              are people going to realise that femininity and masculinity can be expressed and ex-
               fear or hope? Do you want to act out of compassion or anger, generosity or
              plored in many more ways than just appearance? Women and men should feel open to   7. A rectangular fish tank measures 8500mm by 3m by 600cm. The number of
               greed? You are under pressure to make a choice based much more on a
              express themselves aesthetically based on what makes them feel confident, happy and
                                                                                    kilolitres of water that it will hold when full is_____  (Use 1 litre = 1000 cm3 )
               material need than an emotional one. Don’t succumb. If your heart is hap--
              spiritually free, not confined by the rigid constraints of the terms masculine and femi  7. A 750 seat multiplex is divided into 3 theatres. There are 240 seats in
               py, the rest of your life will turn out well. If it isn’t, balanced books won’t
              nine. Femininity is more than clothes, make-up, sanitary products and fancy weddings.   Theatre 1, and there are 180 more seats in Theatre 2 than in Theatre 3.
                                                                                     (a) 153                              (b)  153000                     (c) 159330                        (d) 423477
               balance your heart.
              How do we expect to go forward and look after the things that really matter, such as the   How many seats are in Theatre 2?
                                                                 Herald-Sun July 9th
              environment, family and global peace, when all we are worried about is how someone
                                                                                    8. In 2208 the price of 1 kilogram of mangoes was $1000.00. In 2209 the price
              dresses? I’m hoping that summer trends for 2008 are intelligence and enlightenment.  (a) 265                            (b) 165                              (c) 320                           (d) 345
              Shallow and obtuse is so 2007.
             1.  This horoscope suggests that:                                      was increased 15 percent. In 2210, the price was decreased by 15 percent.
              Pep Phelan, Macleod                                                   8. In a certain year, there were exactly four Tuesdays and exactly four
               (a) happiness is more important than wealth.
                                                                                    Fridays in December. On what day did December 31st, fall that year?
              Our letter of the day winner receives a stylish Parker Sonnet stainless steel gold trim   What was the price of 1 kilogram of mangoes in 2210?
              ball pen, courtesy of Parker.                                         (a) Monday         (b) Wednesday                (c) Thursday                 (d) Saturday
               (b) wealth is more important than happiness.
                                                                                                                                                      (d) $1150
                                                                                     (a) $945.00                  (b) $1000                       (c) $977.50

               (c) if you are wealthy you will be happy.  Herald-Sun September 17 2008
                                                                                    9. The peel of a banana weighs about  of the total weight of the banana. If
               (d) happiness will lead to wealth.                                   9.  In a class of 36 students, 8 say that they like Mathematics and 14 say that
             1. The writer believes that nice clothes:                              they like English. There are 20 students who do not like either. At the very
                                                                                    you buy 3 kg of bananas at 1 kg for $2.60,  about how much are you pay-

                                                 (b) are important to happiness
             2. In the context of this passage the term ‘material need’ refers to:  least how many of them like both Mathematics and English?
              (a) inspire confidence
                                                                                    ing for the banana peel? (Round to the nearest cent)
              (c) are central to femininity       (d) are overrated
               (a) family                        (b) friends                        (a) $0.80                    (b) $0.98            (c) 8                               (d) 4
                                                                                     (a) 6                           (b) 14
                                                                                                                             (c) $1.05                            (d) $1.35

               (c) possessions                   (d) buildings
             2. A cause that promotes the rights of women is known as:              10.  There are 25 lollies in a bag. 7 are raspberry flavoured, 6 are coke, and
                                                                                    10. Robert has won 20% more word-quiz matches than Nicole, while Ni-
             3. An antonym to ‘succumb’ is:                                         cole has won 25% more word-quiz matches than Brooke. By what percent
                                                                                    12 are bubblegum. What is the probability of picking 2 coke lollies one after
              (a) feminism               (b) altruism                   (c) jingois               (d) environmentalism
                (a) surrender                    (b) resist                         does the number that Robert has won exceed the number that Brooke
                                                                                    the other?

             3. The word aesthetic relates to:                                      has won?
               (c) retire                        (d) yield                           (a)                            (b)                                 (c)                                    (d) 1
              (a) personality          (b) appearance                  (c) wealth           (d) nationality  (a) 35%                        (b) 45%                           (c) 50%                            (d) 55%
             4. The term ‘balanced books’ best applies to someone who:
                                                                                    ● Check your answers on our website
             4. Circle the word that does not belong.  (b) is poor                 ·Check your answers on our website  →
                                                                                    ● Check your answers on our website
               (a) is very wealthy
                                                                                   ·Answer can be found under "SUPPORT"   → "Answers for weekly Samples"
                                                                                     Answers can be found under "NEWS" ▶ "Answers for weekly samples"
                                                                                     Answers can be found under "NEWS" ▶ "Answers for weekly samples"
                                                 (d) does not owe anyone money
               (c) is in debt
              (a) confine                   (b) free                                  (c) constrain                (d) rigid

             5. Circle the pair of opposites:
             5. Which of these proverbs is not relevant to this letter?                                                     ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
               (a) fear / hope                   (b) compassion / anger                                                     ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
              (a) Beauty is only skin deep.                 (b) You can’t judge a book by its cover.
               (c) generosity / greed            (d) all of the above                                                       ·문의 : 02 9890 7177
                                                                                                                            ·문의 : 02 9890 7177
              (c) A stitch in time saves nine.                        (d) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

                                                                                                                                 중급편은 78page를 확인해주세요.
                                                                                                                                 중급편은 76page를 확인해주세요.
                                                                                                                                 중급편은 72page를 확인해주세요.
                                                                                                                                회화편은  68page를 확인해주세요.
                                                        교통 / 기차 안에서
                                                     실생활에서 많                                                                    중급편은 66page를 확인해주세요.
                                                      학교 - 시험 직 후 이 쓰이는 500문장!
                                                        신상 / 성향
                                                       식당 주문
                                                           I gave up sweets. 단 음식을 끊었어.
                                                        · Are you Chinese?  (아 유 차이니즈?) 중국 사람인가요?
                                                      · May I take your order?  (메이 아이 테익 유어 오더? )  주문하시겠어요?
                                                        Excuse me. I think this is my seat.  (익스큐즈미. 아이 씽크 디스 이즈 마이 씻)  실례합니다. 여기는 제 자리예요.
                                                   ·Were the questions what you expected?  ( 워 더 퀘스쳔스 왓 유 익스펙티드? )  예상이 적중한 문제가 많아요?
                                                           How did you lose weight? (하우 디 쥬 루즈 웨잇? ) 어떻게 살을 뺐어?
                        왕 초보  영 어                  ·Yes, but I think I made a mistake on question number four.
                                                     1  Who brings home the bacon? 누가 집안의 경제권을 갖고 있지요?
                                                        · No. I'm Korean.  (노우. 아임 코리언) 아니요, 한국 사람이에요.
                         왕초보 영어 어
                         실생활 기초 영어!
                        왕 초보  영
                                                      · I would like to order now.  (아이 우드 라이크 투 오더 나우)  네, 주문할게요.
                                                           I gave up sweets. (아이 게이브 업 스위츠) 단 음식을 끊었어.
                                                        Somebody is sitting in my seat. (썸바디 이즈 씨딩 인 마이 씻)  누가 제 자리에 앉아 있어요.
                                                        · How old are you?  (하우 올드 아 유?) 몇 살이세요?
                                                     2   You brought it up first. 당신이 먼저 그 말을 꺼냈잖아요.
                                                      ( 예스, 벗 아이 씽크 아이 메이드 어 미스테익 온 퀘스쳔 넘버 포 ) 네, 하지만 4번 문제는 실수한 것 같아요.
                                                      · What will you be having? ( 왓 윌 유 비 해빙? )  무엇을 드시겠어요?
                                                           I’m not sure I could manage that. (아임 낫 슈어 아이 쿠드 매니지 댓 ) 나는 그렇게 할 수 있을지 모르겠어.
                                                        · I'm 30 years old. (아임 써티 이얼스 올드) 저는 올해 서른 살이에요.
                                                        Could you show me your ticket?  (쿠쥬 쇼우 미 유어 티켓?)  차표 좀 보여 주세요.
                                                   ·I feel great now the test is over.   (아이 필 그레잇 나우 더 테스트 이즈 오버)  시험이 끝나서 마음이 홀가분해요.
                                                     3   Bring yourself. 몸만 오세요.
                                                      · Two steaks, please. (투 스테익스, 플리즈)  스테이크 2인분 주세요.
                                                           You can do it. I’ll support you.  (유 캔 두 잇.  아이 윌 서포트 유 ) 넌 할 수 있어. 내가 도와줄게.
                                                        · What do you do for work?  (왓 두 유 두 포 워크?) 무슨 일을 하세요?
                                                   ·When do we get the exam results?  ( 웬 두 위 겟 더 익잼 리절츠? )  시험 결과는 언제 나와요?
                                                        Excuse me. Is this seat empty?  (익스큐즈미. 이즈 디스 씻 엠티?)  실례지만, 자리가 비어 있어요?
                                                           Well, looking at you inspires me. (웰, 루킹 앳 유 인스파이어스 미 ) 음, 널 보니까 의욕이 생긴다.
                                                      · How would you like your steak?  (하우 우쥬 라익 유어 스테익?)  스테이크는 어떻게 해 드릴까요?
                                                     4   I'd better bring in the laundry. 빨래를 걷는 게 좋겠네요.
                                                        · I'm an office worker.  (아임 언 오피스 워커) 저는 회사원이에요.
                                                   ·I ran out of time.   (아이 랜 아웃 업 타임) 시간이 모자랐어요.
                                                           Expression / word
                                                     5   You're not allowed to bring food in here. 이곳은 음식물 반입이 금지되어 있습니다.
                                                          Expression / word
                                                           Expression / word
                                                               Expression / word
                                                          Expression / word 기초편    ·Somebody : 누가                 · empty : 비어 있어요
                                                          ·my seat :  제 자리
                                                                                    ·two steaks : 2개 스테이크
                                                                                                                   I’m not sure~ : ~할지 잘 모르겠다
                                                          ·order : 주문
                                                                                                                 ·May : ~일지도 모른다
                                                                                    sweets : 단것, 단 음식
                                                                                                                  ·work : 일
                                                                                     ·How old are you? : 몇 살이세요?
                                                          ·Chinese : 중국인
                                                               · give up : 끊다
                                                         ·expected : 예상되는          ·over : 끝나서                ·result: 결과
                                                                                                                  · sitting in : 앉아 있어요
                                                          ·Excuse me : 실례합니다
                                                                                   ·ticket : 차표
                                                     6   I brown-bagged it today. 나 오늘 도시락 싸 가지고 왔어.             ·what  : 무엇
                                                                                    ·having : ~하고있다
                                                                                                                   support : 지지하다, 후원하다, 지원하다
                                                          ·would like: ~하고싶다
                                                                                    inspire : 의욕을 불러일으키다, 영감을 주다
                                                                                                                  ·office worker : 회사원
                                                                                     ·30 years old : 서른 살
                                                               · lose we
                                                          ·Korean : 한국인 ight : 살을 빼다
                                                         ·made a mistake: 실수하다     ·exam : 시험                 ·ran out: 모자라다
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