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MY Educatiion / 교육
                                Weekly Sample Questions #33

                                       for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students

                                                               Power General Ability

            1. JUSTICE is to LAWS as IDEA is to __________.                          6. Which is the most likely number needed to complete the following  pattern?

              A. JUDGE           B. WORDS               C. FEELINGS         D. MEMORIES                2       4       12       48       240        ?
                                                                                     A. 480                          B. 960                          C. 1200      D. 1440
            2. The letters of the word sober can be rearranged to make the
                name for                                                            7. I am thinking of two numbers. Twice the first added to the second gives

              A. an ageing condition.                            B. body coverings.            14. The first added to twice the second is 13.  The sum of these two num-
                                                                                        bers must be:
              C. a grey metal.                       D. an artist’s studio.
                                                                                      A. 7                     B. 8                           C. 9                               D. 10
            3. Choose the letter that puts these sentences in correct numbered
                order.                                                              8. The sum of two numbers is 36 and their difference is 14. The product of
                         (1) Australia has thousands of kilometers of coastline.        these numbers would be:
                                                                                     A. 275                    B. 504             C. 625        D.1560
                         (2) Also included is the Great Barrier Reef.
                         (3) It includes beaches, rocky shores and tidal rivers.    Questions 9 to 10 refer to the following information:
                         (4) On this reef there is a great variety of sea life.
                                                                                     5 cars Saab, Nissan, Ford, Porsche and Renault take part in a car race. The Saab
               A. 3, 4, 2, 1                                 B. 1, 2, 3, 4           finishes 3 minutes ahead of the Nissan but is not first. The Porsche finishes 4
               C. 4, 3, 1, 2                          D. 1, 3, 2, 4                  minutes behind the Ford but only 1 minute behind the Saab. The Renault is as
                                                                                     far behind the Porsche as the Ford is in front of the Porsche.
            4. Trixie is older than Maxine. Sally is younger than Trixie.
                Which of these statements must be correct?                          9. How many minutes separate the second and the fifth cars?
                                                                                      A. 4 mins             B. 5 mins                   C. 6 mins                D. 7 mins
               A. Trixie is eldest of the three girls.
               B. Sally and Maxine are the same age.                                10. How many minutes separate the Nissan and the Ford cars?
               C. Sally is older than Trixie.                                         A.  5 mins             B. 6 mins                   C. 7 mins                 D. 8 mins
               D. Sally is younger than Maxine.
                                                                                   ·Check your answers on our website  →
                                                                                    ● Check your answers on our website
            5. Rearrange all the words below to make the best sentence.            ·Answer can be found under "SUPPORT"   → "Answers for weekly Samples"
                 What letter does the last word begin with?                          Answers can be found under "NEWS" ▶ "Answers for weekly samples"

                    no   my   knew   one   what   pain   severe   in   back   caused
                                                                                                                           ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM

               A. m                                B. b                                 C. c    D. p                       ·문의 : 02 9890 7177

                                                                                                                                 중급편은 72page를 확인해주세요.

                                                       숙박 / 예약
                                                   감정/의견 표현- 농담

                                                       I'd like to make a reservation.  (아잇 라익 투 메익 어 레저베이션)  예약하고 싶어요.
                        왕 초보  영 어                      ·Come on, stop kidding me.    ( 컴 온, 스탑 키딩 미 )  에이, 장난치지 마세요.
                         왕 초보 영 어
                                                       I'd like a double, please.   (아잇 라익 어 더블, 플리즈)  2인실 부탁합니다.
                                                       ·Don't joke about this.     ( 돈 조크 어바웃 디스 )  농담하지 마세요.
                                                       How much is it a night?   (하우 머치 이즈 잇 어 나잇?)  하룻밤에 얼마예요?
                                                       ·Stop making me laugh.     (스탑 메이킹 미 래프)  이제 그만 웃겨요.
                                                       I'd like a room with a seaside view, please.  (아잇 라익 어 룸 위더 씨사이드 뷰, 플리즈)  해변 쪽 방으로 주세요.
                                                       ·Are you really quitting? You're joking, aren't you?   ( 아 유 리얼리 퀴팅? 유 아 조킹, 안츄? )   정말 회사를 그만둘 거예요? 장난이죠?
                                                       Where do I check in?  (웨어 두 아이 체크인?)  체크인은 어디서 합니까?
                                                       ·Stop fooling around.    (스탑 풀링 어라운드) 그만 좀 놀려.
                                                       Could you bring my luggage up to the room?  (쿠쥬 브링 마이 러기지 업 투 더 룸?)  짐을 방까지 좀 부탁해요.
                                                       ·Stop joking, and get to the point.   (스탑 조킹, 앤 겟 투 더 포인트) 이제 농담은 그만하고 진짜 얘기를 해 보죠.
                                                          Expression / word
                                                          Expression / word                 ·seaside view : 해변 경관  ·double : 2인용의
                                                          ·luggage :  짐
                                                                                                                  ·reservation : 예약
                                                         ·joke : 농담               ·laugh: 웃다  ·a night : 하루 밤  ·fooling: 어리석은 짓
                                                          ·check in : 투숙 수속을 밟다
                                                         ·around : 약, ~쯤, 사방에서,    ·point:  요점, 주장            ·quit: 그만두다
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