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MY Educatiion / 교육
                                Weekly Sample Questions #29

                                       for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students

                                      Power English                                                       Power Mathematics

            Questions 1 ~ 5                                                        6. There are 5 grey, 3 navy, 2 blue, and 5 pink marbles in a hat. You
            She went out of her front door into the sunshine and was surprised to find a spring day waiting for   pick 2 marbles from the hat. Marbles are not returned after they have
                                 CANCER> June 23 – Jul 23
            her. The weather had turned warm while she had stayed indoors; February was over and March had   been drawn. Find the probability (that the first marble is grey and the
                       Money makes the world go round. So they say. What about love?
            come in, as they say, like a lamb. There was a smell of dampness in the air as the frosted ground   second marble is blue).
                       Love just inspires it to keep turning… it doesn’t actually make it.
            thawed, a smell of things getting ready to grow. It made her feel even more cheerful than before, and   1  1       1                  1
                       There’s a big difference. Ask yourself, do  you want to be led by
            she walked almost gaily across the garden.                             (a)                                   (b)                                    (c)                                   (d)   15
              fear or hope? Do you want to act out of compassion or anger, generosity or
               And yet despite the fine warmth of the day- indeed, in a way, because of it - Mrs Frisby could not
              greed? You are under pressure to make a choice based much more on a
            quite get rid of a nagging worry that kept flickering in her mind; it was the kind of worry that, if you
              material need than an emotional one. Don’t succumb. If your heart is hap-
            push it out of this corner of your thoughts, pops up in that corner, and finally in the middle, where it   7. A 750 seat multiplex is divided into 3 theatres. There are 240 seats in
            has to be faced. It was the thought of Moving Day.                     Theatre 1, and there are 180 more seats in Theatre 2 than in Theatre 3.
              py, the rest of your life will turn out well. If it isn’t, balanced books won’t
               Everybody knows that the ground hog comes up from the deep hole where he has slept away the   How many seats are in Theatre 2?
              balance your heart.
            winter, looks around, and if he decides the cold weather is not over, goes back down to sleep for
                                                                Herald-Sun July 9th
            another six weeks. Field mice like Mrs Frisby are not so lucky. When winter is over, they must move   (a) 265                            (b) 165                              (c) 320                           (d) 345
            out of the garden and back to the meadow or the pasture. For as soon as the weather allows, Farmer
            1.  This horoscope suggests that:
            Fitzgibbon’s tractor comes rumbling through, pulling the sharp-bladed plough through the soil,   8. In a certain year, there were exactly four Tuesdays and exactly four



              (a) happiness is more important than wealth.
            turning over every foot of it. No animal caught in the garden that day is likely to escape alive, and   Fridays in December. On what day did December 31st, fall that year?
            all the winter homes, all the tunnels and holes and nests and cocoons, are torn up. After the plough
              (b) wealth is more important than happiness.
            comes the harrow, with its heavy creaking discs, and then the people with hoes and seeds.  (a) Monday       (b) Wednesday                (c) Thursday                 (d) Saturday
              (c) if you are wealthy you will be happy.
                                             Excerpt from “Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH’ by Robert C. O’Brien
              (d) happiness will lead to wealth.                                   9. The peel of a banana weighs about  of the total weight of the banana. If
            1. Mrs Frisby is initially happy because:                              you buy 3 kg of bananas at 1 kg for $2.60,  about how much are you pay-

            2. In the context of this passage the term ‘material need’ refers to:  ing for the banana peel? (Round to the nearest cent)

                                         (b) the air is damp
            (a) she has been indoors


            (c) she is walking across the garden   (d) spring has arrived          (a) $0.80                    (b) $0.98  42       (c) $1.05                            (d) $1.35
              (a) family
                                                (b) friends
              (c) possessions                   (d) buildings
            2. The biggest threat to the mice comes from:                          10. Robert has won 20% more word-quiz matches than Nicole, while Ni-
            (a) groundhogs     (b) the weather    (c) people   (d) soil
            3. An antonym to ‘succumb’ is:                                         cole has won 25% more word-quiz matches than Brooke. By what percent
              (a) surrender                     (b) resist                         does the number that Robert has won exceed the number that Brooke
            3. Ground hogs don’t have to worry about the plough because:           has won?
              (c) retire
                                                (d) yield
            (a) their burrow goes deep underground     (b) they are asleep         (a) 35%                        (b) 45%                           (c) 50%                            (d) 55%
            (c) they are bigger than mice
                                               (d) they can move quickly
            4. The term ‘balanced books’ best applies to someone who:

                                                                                   ·Check your answers on our website  →
                                                                                   ● Check your answers on our website
              (a) is very wealthy
            4. The setting for this story is in:  (b) is poor                      ·Answer can be found under "SUPPORT"   → "Answers for weekly Samples"

                                                                                    Answers can be found under "NEWS" ▶ "Answers for weekly samples"
              (c) is in debt
                                                (d) does not owe anyone money
            (a) the northern hemisphere     (b) the southern hemisphere

            (c) the tropics
            5. Circle the pair of opposites:  (d) the polar regions
                                                                                                                           ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
              (a) fear / hope
                                                (b) compassion / anger
            5. This story contains anthropomorphisms because the mice have distinctly human
              (c) generosity / greed
             qualities such as                  (d) all of the above                                                       ·문의 : 02 9890 7177
            (a) talking                  (b) watching

                                                                                                                                중급편은 78page를 확인해주세요.
                                                   기본 표현- 시간                                                                    중급편은 66page를 확인해주세요.
                                                       교통 / 기차 안에서
                                                       Excuse me. I think this is my seat.  (익스큐즈미. 아이 씽크 디스 이즈 마이 씻)  실례합니다. 여기는 제 자리예요.
                                                       ·It's time I was getting to the airport.    ( 잇츠 타임 아이 워즈 게팅 투 디 에어포트 )  공항으로 가야 할 시간이네요.
                       왕 초보  영 어                       Somebody is sitting in my seat. (썸바디 이즈 씨딩 인 마이 씻)  누가 제 자리에 앉아 있어요.
                         왕 초보 영 어
                                                       ·So it is. The time went by so quickly.     ( 쏘 잇 이즈. 더 타임 웬트 바이 쏘 퀴클리 )  그러네요. 시간이 정말 빨리 갔네요.
                                                       ·When does your flight leave?     (웬 더즈 유어 플라이트 리브?)  비행기는 언제 출발해요?
                                                       Could you show me your ticket?  (쿠쥬 쇼우 미 유어 티켓?)  차표 좀 보여 주세요.
                                                       ·How much time does it take to the airport?    ( 하우 머치 타임 더즈 잇 테익 투 디 에어포트? )   공항까지는 시간이 얼마나 걸려요?
                                                       ·It feels like it's been hours.   (잇 필스 라익 잇츠 빈 아워즈) 시간이 참 안 가네요.
                                                       Excuse me. Is this seat empty?  (익스큐즈미. 이즈 디스 씻 엠티?)  실례지만, 자리가 비어 있어요?
                                                       ·I've been waiting for three hours.   (아입 빈 웨이팅 포 쓰리 아워즈) 세 시간 동안 기다렸어요.
                                                          Expression / word
                                                          Expression / word
                                                         ·my seat :  제 자리          ·Somebody : 누가                · empty : 비어 있어요
                                                         ·Airport : 공항            ·Quickly: 빨리                ·flight: 비행
                                                         ·Excuse me : 실례합니다        ·ticket : 차표                  · sitting in : 앉아 있어요
                                                         ·waiting : 대기, 기다림       ·Getting to :  ~에 도착하는 중이다     ·leave: 떠나다
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