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MY Educatiion / 교육
                                Weekly Sample Questions #36

                                       for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students

                                                                      Power General Ability

            1. The word SIMULATED is most nearly the opposite of                   7. How many different combinations of heads and tails can you get by tossing

              (a) FAKE          (b) AUTHENTIC             (c) BOGUS     (d) COUNTERFEIT   a coin four times?
                                                                                     (a) ◈ equals minus and ♣ equals times
            2. Which letters are missing in the series?                              (b) ◈ equals times and ♣ equals minus
                                                                                     (c) ◈ equals plus and ♣ equals times
                                                                                     (d) ◈ equals minus and ♣ equals plus
                              SP       QO       OM        ML         KJ        [  ?  ]
                                                                                   8. The numbers in these patterns go together following the same rule. Find
              (a) JH                              (b) HJ     (c) IH          (d) II   the missing number.

                                                                                                     [21  33]        [15  21]         [9      ?]        [5     1]
            3. In a certain code IHOYXY means LETTER. In the same code what
            is HEALTH represented by?                                                (a) 9                             (b) 11                                 (c) 13                               (d)  15

              (a) FHQVNU              (b) FHVQNU                 (c) EHQVMO         (d) EHVQMO  9. Find the number that should appear in question mark in this table

                                                                                                  1         ?        0        -1       0.5
             4. AUTHOR is to BOOK as REPORTER is to ?                                             3        19        1        -1       2

              (a) NEWSPAPER          (b) STORY                    (c) WRITING          (d) ARTICLE    (a)  9                             (b) 10                            (c) 17                            (d) 18

                                                                                   10. The battery on a watch is beginning to fail and the watch is losing time. It
            5. Rearrange all the words below to make the best sentence. What       is losing about four minutes for every hour it moves. The watch was correctly
            letter does the last word begin with?                                  set at 9.30 a.m. What would be the time shown on the watch when the correct
                                                                                   time is now 5.45 p.m.?
                                                                                     (a) 5.12 p.m.               (b) 5.21 p.m.                    (c) 5.25 p.m.                  (d) 5.30 p.m.
                         you    the    wish    money    whatever    use    purpose    for
                                                                                   ·Check your answers on our website  →
                                                                                   ● Check your answers on our website
              (a) m                                 (b) u                                 (c) w                             (d) y  ·Answer can be found under "SUPPORT"   → "Answers for weekly Samples"
                                                                                    Answers can be found under "NEWS" ▶ "Answers for weekly samples"
            6. How many different combinations of heads and tails can you get by tossing
            a coin four times?                                                                                             ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM

                                                                                                                           ·문의 : 02 9890 7177
             (a) 8                                   (b)16                               (c) 24                           (d) 32

                                                                                                                                중급편은 72page를 확인해주세요.
                                                   편의시설 - 헬스클럽
                                                       부동산 / 구경

                                                       Could you show us the house now?  (쿠쥬 쑈 어스 더 하우스 나우?)  지금 집을 볼 수 있어요?
                                                    ·How can I use this equipment?   ( 하우 캔 아이 유즈 디스 이퀴프먼트? )  이 기구는 어떻게 해요?
                         왕 초보 영 어
                                                       Could I see the apartment? (쿠드 아이 씨 더 어파트먼트?)  아파트 좀 보여 주시겠어요?
                       왕 초보  영 어                    ·Please watch me closely.    ( 플리즈 워치 미 클로즐리 )  제가 하는 것을 잘 보세요.
                                                       I'll show you the house.  (아일 쑈 유 더 하우스)  집을 보여 드릴게요.
                                                    ·'d like to sign up for a membership.   (아잇 라익 투 싸인 업 포러 멤버십)  회원 등록을 하고 싶어요.
                                                       Where is the toilet?  (웨어 이즈 더 토일렛?)  화장실은 어디예요?
                                                    ·Does that include gym clothes?   ( 더즈 댓 인클루드 짐 클로쓰? )  체육복 포함이에요?
                                                       Do I have to share a bath?  (두 아이 햅 투 셰어 어 배쓰?)  욕실은 함께 써야 해요?
                                                    ·Then how much is the locker fee?  (덴 하우 머치 이즈 더 라커 피?) 그럼 락카는 얼마예요?
                                                       Is there a backyard?  (이즈 데어 어 백야드?) 뒷마당이 있어요?
                                                    ·I'd like to build muscle.   (아잇 라익 투 빌드 머슬) 근육을 만들고 싶어요.
                                                       Where are the stairs? (웨어 아 더 스테어즈?) 계단은 어디 있어요?
                                                          Expression / word
                                                          Expression / word
                                                                                                                 ·backyard : 뒷마당
                                                                                    ·toilet : 화장실
                                                         ·house :  집
                                                         ·equipment : 기구          ·include : 포함하다             ·sign up: 가입하다
                                                                                                                 ·stairs : 계단
                                                                                    ·bath : 욕실
                                                         ·closely : 가까이 파트        ·gym :  헬스장                 ·muscle : 근육
                                                         ·apartment  : 아
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