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MY Educatiion / 교육
                                Weekly Sample Questions #29

                                       for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students

                                      Power English                                                       Power Mathematics

            Questions 1 ~ 5                                                        6. There are 5 grey, 3 navy, 2 blue, and 5 pink marbles in a hat. You
                                                                                   pick 2 marbles from the hat. Marbles are not returned after they have
                                 CANCER> June 23 – Jul 23                          been drawn. Find the probability (that the first marble is grey and the
                                                                                    6.How many terms would be in the below set of nu mbers?
            NOT all service stations fit letter writer Peter Egan’s description
                       Money makes the world go round. So they say. What about love?
             (“Service has left the station”, June 24).                            second marble is blue).     {5, 11, 17, 23, … , 593}
                       Love just inspires it to keep turning… it doesn’t actually make it.
            On a recent trip through St Arnaud I needed to refuel.                 (a)                                   (b)                                    (c)                                   (d)    1
                       There’s a big difference. Ask yourself, do  you want to be led by
            It was a pleasant surprise when an attendant appeared and started to fill my tank.    A.  98      B. 96            C.  92   D. 99  35  15
              fear or hope? Do you want to act out of compassion or anger, generosity or
            It made my day when he washed the windscreen, filled the windscreen washer reservoir and
              greed? You are under pressure to make a choice based much more on a
            inquired as to whether I wanted my tyre pressure checked, all while carrying on a friendly conversa-  7.7. Five years ago, Nadia’s father was 5 times as old as her. Now he is three times as old as
              material need than an emotional one. Don’t succumb. If your heart is hap-
            tion.                                                                  7. A 750 seat multiplex is divided into 3 theatres. There are 240 seats in
                                                                                    she is. How many more years will it be before Nadia’s father is only twice as old as Nadia?
              py, the rest of your life will turn out well. If it isn’t, balanced books won’t
            It was refreshing and recalled “the good old days”.                    Theatre 1, and there are 180 more seats in Theatre 2 than in Theatre 3.
                                                                                    A.  10 years        B. 12 years         C.  25 years       D. it will never happen
            So don’t give up all hope, Peter. Decent service exists— it’s just a long way from the city.  How many seats are in Theatre 2?
              balance your heart.
                                                               Mal Dwyer, Hamlyn Heights
                                                                Herald-Sun July 9th
                                                                                   (a) 265                            (b) 165                              (c) 320                           (d) 345
            Our letter of the day winner receives a stylish Parker Sonnet stainless steel gold trim ball pen, cour-  8.  . Five crayons and two packets of pencils cost $29.75. How much does a packet of pencils
            1.  This horoscope suggests that:
            tesy of Parker.                                                        8. In a certain year, there were exactly four Tuesdays and exactly four
                                                                                    cost if two crayons and one packet of pencils cost $13.20?



              (a) happiness is more important than wealth.      The Herald-Sun June 25 20  Fridays in December. On what day did December 31st, fall that year?
               (b) wealth is more important than happiness.                         A. $6.50           B. $6.45           C.  $5.30         D. $5.40

                                                                                   (a) Monday         (b) Wednesday                (c) Thursday                 (d) Saturday
              (c) if you are wealthy you will be happy.
                                                                                    9. . Over the week, a strawberry farm sold $324 worth of strawberry punnets. If there was a
            1. The tone of this letter is:                                         9. The peel of a banana weighs about  of the total weight of the banana. If
              (d) happiness will lead to wealth.
            (a) pessimistic   (b) optimistic   (c) cynical     (d) bemused          40% discount, and strawberries were originally priced at $10, how many punnets were sold?
                                                                                   you buy 3 kg of bananas at 1 kg for $2.60,  about how much are you pay-
                                                                                    (punnets = fruit)
            2. In the context of this passage the term ‘material need’ refers to:  ing for the banana peel? (Round to the nearest cent)



            2. The good old days refers to:                                         A. 73          B. 32           C.  54        D. 25  42  36
              (a) family                        (b) friends                        (a) $0.80                    (b) $0.98       (c) $1.05                            (d) $1.35
            (a) the post     (b) the present    (c) the future   (d) another place
              (c) possessions                   (d) buildings
                                                                                   10. Robert has won 20% more word-quiz matches than Nicole, while Ni-
                                                                                    10. 0. If a car factory starts producing number plates with three numerals (including zeroes)
            3. A synonym for refreshing is:
            3. An antonym to ‘succumb’ is:                                         cole has won 25% more word-quiz matches than Brooke. By what percent
                                                                                    and a letter, how many different plates can be made?
            (a) old fashioned   (b) mundane   (c) welcome    (d) reinvigorating
              (a) surrender                     (b) resist                         does the number that Robert has won exceed the number that Brooke
            4.St. Arnaud is located:            (d) yield                          has won?
              (c) retire
            (a) in a metropolitan area       (b) near Melbourne                    (a) 35%                        (b) 45%                           (c) 50%                            (d) 55%
            4. The term ‘balanced books’ best applies to someone who:
            (c) in a rural area

                                         (d) in Sydney

                                                                                   ·Check your answers on our website  →
              (a) is very wealthy               (b) is poor                        ● Check your answers on our website

                                                                                    Answers can be found under "NEWS" ▶ "Answers for weekly samples"
            5. A phrase that would sum up this driver s experience would be:       ·Answer can be found under "SUPPORT"   → "Answers for weekly Samples"
              (c) is in debt
                                                (d) does not owe anyone money
            (a) service with a smile      (b) every man for himself
            5. Circle the pair of opposites:  (d) no pain, no gain
            (c) live in a fantasy world

                                                                                                                           ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
              (a) fear / hope                   (b) compassion / anger
              (c) generosity / greed            (d) all of the above                                                       ·문의 : 02 9890 7177

                                                                                                                                중급편은 78page를 확인해주세요.
                                                       교통 / 기차 안에서
                                                      생활/ 가정 - 이성소개
                                                       Excuse me. I think this is my seat.  (익스큐즈미. 아이 씽크 디스 이즈 마이 씻)  실례합니다. 여기는 제 자리예요.
                       왕 초보  영 어                    ·No, I am not with anybody.    ( 노우, 아임 낫 윗 애니바디 ) 아니요, 지금 만나는 사람은 없어요.
                                                    ·Are you with somebody?    ( 아 유 윗 썸버디?)  지금 누구 사귀는 사람 있어요?
                         왕초보 영어
                                                       Somebody is sitting in my seat. (썸바디 이즈 씨딩 인 마이 씻)  누가 제 자리에 앉아 있어요.
                                                    ·Would you like to meet a friend of mine?  (우쥬 라익 투 밋 어 프렌드 업 마인?)  제 친구 중에 괜찮은 사람이 있는데 만나 볼래요?
                                                       Could you show me your ticket?  (쿠쥬 쇼우 미 유어 티켓?)  차표 좀 보여 주세요.
                                                    ·How was your date yesterday?   ( 하우 워즈 유어 데이트 예스터데이? )  어제 만난 사람 맘에 들어요?
                                                       Excuse me. Is this seat empty?  (익스큐즈미. 이즈 디스 씻 엠티?)  실례지만, 자리가 비어 있어요?
                                                    ·Do you know anyone you can set me up with?  (두 유 노우 애니원 유 캔 쎗 미 업 윗?) 좋은 사람 좀 소개해 주세요.
                                                    ·What do you look for in a relationship? (왓 두 유 룩 포 인 어 릴레이션십?) 이상형이 있어요?
                                                          Expression / word
                                                         ·my seat :  제 자리
                                                          Expression / word        ·Somebody : 누가                · empty : 비어 있어요
                                                                                                                 · sitting in : 앉아 있어요
                                                                                   ·ticket : 차표
                                                         ·Excuse me : 실례합니다       ·anybody : 아무도              ·set me up : 소개
                                                         ·somebody : 어떤사람 누군가
                                                         ·mine: 나의 것              ·would you like to :  ~ 하시겠어요?   ·realationship : (연인) 관계
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