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MY Educatiion / 교육
                                Weekly Sample Questions #39
                                Weekly Sample Questions #39

                                       for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students
                                       for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students
                                                                  Power General Ability
                                                                   Power General Ability
            1. The letters of the word damned can be rearranged to make a word that   7. The numbers in each pair of brackets go together following the same rule. Find
               means a                                                             the missing number.
              (a) forceful order.                                          (b) feeling of joy.         [ 13,  5 ]    [ 31,  ? ]    [ 25,  9 ]    [ 19,  7 ]
              (c) sense of importance.                             (d) polite request.
                                                                                     (a)  7                           (b)   11                (c)15                              (d)  21
             2. Six people are sitting around a table. Tom is on the right of Sam. Sue is
              between Nick and Don. Tom is not next to Kim. Nick is sitting opposite Kim.  8. Which is the most likely number needed to complete the following pattern?
              Who is on the left of Kim?
                                                                                                          4   2    3   6   7    5
              (a) A  Don               (b) Sam                      (c) Sue                          (d)  Nick
                                                                                                          9   13  11   5   3    ?

            3. The same letter must fit into both sets of brackets, to complete the word
            in front of the brackets and begin the word after the brackets. What is the   (a) 6              (b) 7                             (c) 8                      (d) 10
            missing letter?                                                        Questions 9 to 10 refer to the following information:
                                         PEA [ ? ] OT
                                         WEI [ ? ] IGHT                            Five children, A, B, C, D and E have each saved a different amount of money. No one
                                                                                   has saved less than $20 or more than $30. A has $3 more than C but less money than
              (a) K                                (b) L                              (c) R                              (d)  T  D. Only A and E have an even amount of money.  B has the smallest amount, which is
                                                                                   $7 less than E has. Only one child has saved more than E.
            4. If I was jesting what would I be doing?
                                                                                   9.  How much has child D saved?
              (a)playing sport            (b) riding a horse            (c) dancing alone           (d) telling jokes
                                                                                     (a) $30                 (b) $29                            (c) $28                     (d) $27

             5. Rearrange all the words below to make the best sentence. What letter does   10.  How much has child B saved?
                the last word begin with?                                            (a) $20                 (b) $21                            (c) $22                     (d) $23

                         do  about  think  got  the  criticism  you  Tom  what  has ?
              (a) a                             (b) c                                 (c) T                              (d)  g  ·Check your answers on our website  →
                                                                                   ● Check your answers on our website
                                                                                   ·Answer can be found under "SUPPORT"   → "Answers for weekly Sa
                                                                                    Answers can be found under "NEWS" ▶ "Answers for weekly samples" mples"
            6. Find the missing number in this series.

                             7           21        15         45        39       117      ?                                ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
                                                                                                                           ·문의 : 02 9890 7177
              (a)  111                       (b) 135                      (c) 139                         (d) 351

                                                                                                                                중급편은 76page를 확인해주세요.
                                                                                                                                 중급편은 72page를 확인해주세요.
                                                         What’s new?
                                                          I’m so glad you like it. 마음에 드신다니 기뻐요.
                                                       가정 / 생활
                                                      편의시설 - 부동산 <결정할때>
                                                           Mom, happy birthday. This is for you. (맘, 해피 버쓰 데이. 디스 이즈 포 유. )
                                                       · We're out of shampoo.  (위어 아웃 오브 샴푸) 샴푸가 떨어졌어요.
                                                         What’s new, Emily? (왓츠 뉴, 에밀리?) 무슨 일이에요, 에밀리?
                                                           엄마, 생신 축하드려요. 이거 받으세요.
                                                  ·I'll take this apartment. ( 아일 테익 디스 어파트먼트 )  이 아파트로 결정할게요.
                                                       · Could you fold the laundry for me?  (쿠쥬 폴드 더 론드리 포 미?) 빨래 좀 개어 줘요.
                         왕초보 영어 어
                        왕 초보  영                   ·That's a wonderful decision.   ( 댓츠 어 원더풀 디시젼 ) 잘 결정하셨습니다.
                                                         Well, actually I have some big news. (웰, 액츄얼리 아이 해브 썸  빅 뉴스)  음, 사실은 중요한 소식이 있는데요.
                                                           Oh, thank you, Jack. What a beautiful scarf! (오, 땡큐, 잭. 왓 어 뷰티풀 스카프!)
                                                         Really? Do share! (리얼리? 두 쉐어!) 그래요? 알려줘요!
                                                           어머, 고맙다, 잭. 멋진 스카프네!
                                                       · This house needs a good airing.   (디스 하우스 니즈 어 굿 에어링 ) 집 안 환기 좀 해야겠어요.
                                                  ·Do I need to bring anything for the contract?  (두 아이 니드 투 브링 애니씽 포 더 컨트랙트?)  계약에 필요한 게 있어요?
                                                         I’m getting married soon. (아임 게팅 메리드 쑨) 저 곧 결혼해요.
                                                           I’m so glad you like it, Mom. Let me help you put it on.
                                                       · Take out the garbage. (테익 아웃 더 가비지) 쓰레기통을 비워요.
                                                  ·Bring your ID, deposit, and three months' rent.   ( 브링 유어 아이디, 디파짓, 앤 쓰리 먼쓰 렌트 )  신분증과 보증금 그리고 석 달 치 월세가 필요합니다.
                                                         No kidding! Wow, that’s fantastic news, Emily. I’m so happy for you!
                                                           (아임 쏘 글래드 유 라이크 잇,   맘,   렛 미 헬프 유 풋 잇 온 )  마음에 드신다니 기뻐요, 엄마. 제가 스카프 매는 거 도와 드릴게요.
                                                       · Make the beds.  ( 메익 더 베즈) 침대 정리하세요.
                                                         (노 키딩! 와우, 댓츠 판타스틱 뉴스, 에밀리. 아임 쏘 해피 포 유)  농담 아니죠! 와, 멋진 소식인데요, 에밀리. 정말 기뻐요!
                                                  ·Do I need a guarantor?  (두 아이 니드 어 개런터?) 보증인도 필요해요?
                                                           Thank you.(땡큐 )
                                                       · Clear the table.  (클리어 더 테이블) 식탁을 치워 주세요.
                                                         I’m happy too. But very nervous also. (아임 해피 투. 벗 베리 널버스 얼쏘) 저도 기뻐요. 그런데 무척 떨리기도 해요.
                                                  ·Come by to sign the contract. (컴 바이 투 싸인 더 컨트렉트) 계약서 작성하러 와 주세요.
                                                               Expression / word
                                                           Expression / words
                                                          Expression / word
                                                          Expression / word 기초편           · big : 중요한, 큰      glad : 기쁜, 좋은
                                                          ·share : 나누다, 공유하다
                                                                                                                       · nervous : 긴장되는, 떨리는
                                                              · This is for ~. : 이거 ~ 드릴 거예요.
                                                                                                                  ·bed : 침대
                                                                                     ·laundry : 빨래
                                                          ·garbage : 쓰레기통
                                                         ·decision : 결정           ·guarantor : 보증인            ·need: 필요하다
                                                          ·I’m happy for ~. : ~가 잘됐다, ~에 감사하다.
                                                                                          · fantastic : 환상적인, 멋진, 대단한
                                                                                                                       · also : 또한
                                                                                                              put on : 입다, 착용하다
                                                              · scarf : 스카프
                                                                                                                  ·table : 테이블
                                                                                     ·airing : 환기
                                                          ·shampoo : 샴프
                                                         ·contract: 계약            ·bring : 가져오다               ·anything: 어떤것
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