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MY Educatiion / 교육
                                Weekly Sample Questions #45
                                Weekly Sample Questions #45
                                 Weekly Sample Questions #45

                                       for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students
                                                     for  Selective School Exam Preparation
                                        for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students
                                                                   Power General Ability
                                                                   Power General Ability
                                                                    Power General Ability
             1. If the Code for WHEN is AKGK, what is the code for DEAF?                           7. Year 5 collected information on how they came to school.
               (a) HGCC               (b) HHDC                       (c)  HHCG                  (d) HHCC
                                                                                         Method   Number of Pupils
                                                                                                                   The mean is 14. How many came by bus?
                                                                                          walk         27
                                                                                                                   (a) 7
             2. RACE is to FATIGUE as FAST is to _______.                                 car           9
              (a) HUNGER                  (b)  RUN                                        bus           ?          (b) 8
              (c) NOURISHMENT             (d)  ANOREXIA                                  bicycle       14          (c)  9
                                                                                          train        12          (d) 11
             3. Which letters is missing in this series?
                                                                                    8. A man noticed that a train traveling at 60km/h took six seconds to pass
                                  H       A       ___       P       L        I
                                                                                    him. How long was the train?

              (a) R                 (b)  S                          (c) T                     (d)  U  (a) around 1 km                                (b) around 60 m
                                                                                     (c) around 80 m                                (d) around 100 m

             4. If the words below were rearranged to form the best sentence, which   9. Which is the most likely number needed to complete the following pattern?
             word would come last?
                                 The fact that the benefits ____________.                     9      14      7      21     26      19     ?

                              hassle    life    make    this    can    treatment     (a) 24                             (b) 12                              (c) 38                             (d) 57
                                  better    outweighed    the    shows
                                                                                    10. The number codes 2765, 9742 and 4675 represent three of the four letter group
             (a)  hassle                        (b) life            (c) treatment                    (d) better
                                                                                    ATLR, ELAS, SLTR and SRTE.  The number code 5469 represents the word
                                                                                     (a) LEAD                  (b) EAST                       (c) ALES                    (d) RATE
             5. Find a word that is odd one out.

             (a) OSTENSIBLE             (b) SNOOTY              (c) ARROGANT               (d) SUPERCILIOUS  ·Check your answers on our website  →
                                                                                    ■ You may check the answers for these questions at Edu-Kingdom College website
                                                                                    ·Answer can be found under "SUPPORT"   → "Answers for weekly Samples"
                                                                                You may see the title ‘Answers for Weekly Samples’ under the
             6. Which is the most likely number needed to complete the following        ‘News’ section.
                             7     9     11    5     -5    4     10                                                        ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
                             8     1     4     5     20    ?     5
                                                                                                                           ·문의 : 02 9890 7177
             (a) 11                           (b) 6                             (c) 7                                (d) 8

                                                                                                                                 중급편은 78page를 확인해주세요.
                                                                                                                                 중급편은 72page를 확인해주세요.
                                                   공항/비행기                                                                     중급편은 76page를 확인해주세요.
                                                        가정 생활
                                                      비용 문의
                                                            I'm sorry. I don't.
                                                   · I'd like to book a flight to New York.  (아잇 라익 투 북 어 플라잇 투 뉴욕)
                                                       · Where's the remote? (웨어즈 더 리모트?)  리모컨이 어딨어요?
                                                     · How much is the admission fee?  (하우 머치 이즈 디 어드미션 피? )  입장료가 얼마에요?
                                                         뉴욕행 비행기를 예약하고 싶어요.
                                                            Do you have time today? (두 유 해브 타임 투데이?)  오늘 시간 있으세요?
                        왕초보 영어
                        왕 초보  영 어                  · One-way, or round-trip?  (원 웨이 오어 라운드 튜립?)  편도인가요? 왕복인가요?              왕 초보  영 어
                                                       · It's on the sofa. What do you want it for? (잇츠 온 더 쏘파. 왓 두 유 원트 잇 포?) 소파 위를 찾아 봐요. 그런데 왜요?
                                                     · How much does this tour cost?   (하우 머치 더즈 디스 투어 코스트? )  이 관광은 비용이 얼마예요?
                                                            I'm sorry. I don't.  (아임 쏘리, 아이 돈)  미안해요. 안 되겠어요.
                                                       · I want to change channels. (아이 원 투 체인지 채널스) 채널 바꾸려고요.
                                                     · How much is it for each person?     (하우 머치 이즈 잇 포 이치 퍼슨?)  한 사람당 얼마예요?
                                                   · Round-trip please.  (라운드 튜립 )  왕복입니다.
                                                            What about tomorrow? (왓 어바웃 투마로? )  내일은 어떠세요?
                                                       · I'm watching this.  (아임 워칭 디스) 지금 그걸 보고 있는 중인데요.
                                                     · Do you offer student discounts?  ( 두 유 오퍼 스튜던트 디스카운츠? )  전화 달라는 메시지를 받고 전화 드려요.
                                                   · Which class would you like?  (위치 클래스 우쥬 라익?)  좌석 등급은 무엇으로 하시겠어요?
                                                            I'm sorry. I don't know yet.  (아임 쏘리. 아이 돈 노우 옛) 미안해요. 아직 모르겠어요.
                                                       · It's time to wake up.  (잇츠 타임 투 웨이컵) 일어날 시간이에요.
                                                     · Do you offer student discounts?   (두 유 오퍼 스튜던트 디스카운츠?) 학생 할인이 돼요?
                                                   · Economy, please.  (이코노미, 플리즈)  일반석으로 부탁해요.
                                                       · Turn off the lights, please. (턴 오프 더 라이츠, 플리즈) 불 꺼 주세요.

                                                    Expression / wordsion / word
                                                          Expression / word 기초편
                                                           Expression / word
                                                                                                              tomorrow : 내일
                                                                        ·class : 좌석 등급
                                                                                  ·cost: 비용
                                                    ·book : 예약  ·Do you have ~ : ~있어?  ·wake up: 일어나다   ·change : 변경  ·discount: 할인
                                                         ·How much ~ : 얼마~
                                                                                                                   ·Turn off: ~을 끄다
                                                           ·remote 리모컨
                                                                                                              yet : (부정문·의문문에서) 아직
                                                                        ·ecinomy: 일반석
                                                                                  ·each : 각각
                                                    ·round trip : 왕복 ·what about ~ : ~는 어때?  ·light: 빛, 광선, 빛살 ·confirm : 확인  ·offer: 제공하다
                                                         ·admission fee : 입장료
                                                                                                                   ·watching: 보다
                                                           ·change: 바꾸다
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