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MY Educatiion / 교육
                                   Weekly Sample Questions #6

                                                     for Selective School Exam Preparation

                                                                  Power General Ability

            1. What is the meaning of the word CONVENTION?                          6. What is the missing number?               ?   4
                                                                                    (a) 13                                    23        7
            (a) a collection of recorded music                                      (b) 15
            (b) any business that produces goods or provides services;              (c) 17                                    15       11
                 the work and related activity in factories and office              (d) 18                                       9   6
            (c) a large meeting for a special purpose
            (d) to take and hold or to control by force                             7. What is the 30  term of this sequence?
            2. Emphysema is a disease. What type of condition is EMPHYSEMA?                                                3    8           13       18   ……
            (a) asthma                          (b) cardiac                          (a) 146            (b) 148                            (c) 150                               (d) 158
            (c)  respiratory                    (d) nervous

                                                                                    8. What is three and a quarter hours before 9.30 p.m. in 24-hour time?
            3. MANUFACTURER is to WHOLESALER as RETAILER is to ___________.
            (a) merchant                        (b) customer                        (a) 1815           (b) 0645                    (c) 1830                 (d) 0615
            (c) trader                          (d) warehouse
                                                                                    9. Mike drives from his flat to the seaside in 1½ hours. On the way home
                                                                                    he is in a hurry to watch the start of the Australian Open tennis match
            4. There are six television on display in a department store. From your   and drives one and a half times as fast along the same route. How much
            left to right they are a Sony, Panasonic, NEC, GE, Philips, Samsung. The   time does he spend driving?
            display is changed weekly. Each television is moved across four spaces to
            the right and the end ones go back to the beginning of the row on the left.    (a) 2 hrs 30 min                                      (b) 2 hrs
            After all the television have been moved four spaces, which television is    (c) 2 hrs 15 min                                      (d) 2 hrs 45 min

            now on the left hand side?
            (a) Panasonic                        (b) Philips                        10. The width of a rectangle is three-quarters of its length. If the perim-
            (c) Sony                             (d) NEC                            eter is 70 cm, what is its width?

                                                                                    (a) 7.5 cm           (b) 15 cm                       (c) 13 cm              (d)10.5cm
            5. The words below can be put together to make a sentence. Which would be     ● You may check the answers for these questions at Edu-Kingdom College website
            the eighth word of the sentence?                                You may see the title ‘Answers for Weekly Samples’ under the ‘News’ section.
                              trees     tall     noticed     that     I     were
                         eucalyptus     side   two     side    by     there   growing

            (a) growing                         (b) trees
            (c)  eucalyptus                     (d) tall

                                                         Thank you for coming.

                                                         Thank you for coming. (땡큐 포 커밍.) 와 주셔서 감사합니다.
                                                         Thank you for inviting me. (땡큐 포 인바이팅 미) 초대해 주셔서 제가 오히려 감사합니다.

                                                         Thank you for everything. (땡큐 포 에브리씽) 수고 많으셨어요.
                                                         I'm happy I could help. (아임 해피 아이 쿠드 헬프) 도움을 드릴 수 있어서 기쁩니다.

                                                            Expression / word
                                                            ·Thank you for ~ing :  ~ 해주셔서 감사합니다.         ·invite : 초대하다

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