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MY Education / 교육•이민•유학
                                                Weekly Sample Questions #4

                                                     for Selective School Exam Preparation

                                      Power English                                                          Power Mathematics

            Questions for 1 to 5                                                   6. How many triangles are in this figure?
             My Friend, the Things That Do Attain    1. The central theme of the                                                             (a) 19
                                                     poem is the                                                                             (b) 29
             My friend, the things that do attain    (a) resplendent nature of a happy                                                                (c) 35
             The happy life be there, I find:              life                                                                              (d) 37
             The riches left, not got with pain;     (b) finding a happy life in
             The fruitful ground; the quiet mind;         "the mean estate"                                               1       1
                                                     (c) self-denial necessary to  7.  What fraction is half way between         and        ?
             The equal friend; no grudge, no strife;       pursue a happy life           5               5                   5              1
             No charge of rule, nor governance;      (d) contrast of a sumptuous life        (a)                (b)     12                     (c)                 (d)      2
                                                          against a meagre existence
             Without disease, the healthy life;
             The household of continuance;           2. How does the personification
                                                     of death affect the meaning in  8. Here is a rule. 5 + 5 = 1, 6 + 7 = 4, and 12 + 9 = 3. In this kind of
               The mean diet, no dainty fare;        line 16?                          rule, what is the answer to 8 + 9?
             Wisdom joined with simpleness’          (a) The abstractness of death
             The night discharged of all care,                                         (a)  9                         (b)  7                        (c)   6                       (d)  8
                                                     is emphasised.
             Where wine the wit may not oppress:     (b) Death, as someone not to be
                                                     feared, is less threatening than an   9. What number is missing from the following sequence?
             The faithful wife, without debate;      abstract concept.
             Such steps as many beguile the night;   (c) Death becomes the friend of                      1372,     196,      ____,     4
             Content thyself with thine estate,      the poet.                        (a) 32                         (b)  28                        (c) 16                     (d) 12
             Neither wish death, nor fear his might.  (d) The ultimate end of both friend
                                                     and speaker are revealed.     10. What numbers should replace A, B, and C?
                                                                                                                  (a) 9, 3, 3
            3. Which of the following statements summarizes the relationship of lines                             (b) 6, 7, 3
                1-2 to the rest of the poem?                                                                      (c) 7, 4, 2
            (a) They establish the rhyme pattern.        (b) They set a pattern of contrasts.                     (d) 9, 3, 2
            (c) They introduce the topic.             (d) They reveal an attitude of covetousness.

            4. Another way of saying “The household of continuance” (line 8) is    You may check the answers for these questions at Edu-Kingdom College website
            (a) an unbroken home                (b) family wealth          You may see the title ‘Answers for Weekly Samples’ under the ‘News’ section.
            (c) genetically based good health     (d) a large inheritance

            5.  In the poem’s context, “pain (line 3) can be thought of as all the following
            (a) physical punishment                    (b) mental anguish
            (c) expiation                                      (d) penalty

                                                           See you off.

                                                           How much time does it take to the airport?.
                                                            (하우 머치 타임 더즈 잇 테익 투 디 에어포트?) 공항까지는 시간이 얼마나 걸려요?

                                                           It takes 30 minutes.  (잇 테익스 써티 미닛츠) 삼십 분 걸려요.

                                                           That's pretty far. I guess I should see you off,  then.
                                                           (댓츠 프리티 파. 아이 게스 아이 슈드 씨 유 오프, 덴) 오래 걸리는군요. 어서 가세요.

                                                            Express ion / word
                                                           ·How much time does it take to~ : ~까지 얼마나 걸리죠?  ·pretty : 꽤, 어느 정도, 거의, 예쁜
                                                           ·far : 먼, 멀리                                 ·See you off : 어서 가세요.

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