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                                Weekly Sample Questions #43

                                       for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students

                                    Power English                                                         Power Mathematics

              Questions for 1 to 5                                                  6. Which is equation is the odd one out?
              Pure, PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Disney, G, RRP $100  ★★★☆                     (a) x  × x  ÷ x 6                  (b) (19 × 16 – 300) ÷ 4
              Mere seconds after you first pick up the joypad to play this thrilling racer, you will be hurting off enor-  4  3  7  5  4  27
              mous vertiginous jumps and performing death-defying tricks. Your steed is a four-wheeled all-terrain   (c) z  × 6z  ÷ 36z    (d)  y  ÷ 3y  × (       )
              vehicle and at all times you are battling 15 aggressive rivals.
              The main attraction is the World Tour mode, which visits spectacular locations in countries such   7. How many straight lines can be drawn from one vertex to another in a cube,
              as Italy, New Zealand and Thailand, and offers three different events – races, sprints and freestyle
              competitions. Sprints are on very short courses, but the three lap races are long with many jumps and      allowing no lines to overlap?
              multiple routes.
              The goal in freestyle events is to amass points by performing as many tricks as possible before you   (a) 20
              run out of petrol. Chaining wild manoeuvres together is particularly lucrative.
              There are four levels of increasingly elaborate tricks, all performed by pressing a button and pushing   (b) 28
              the stick in different directions.                                     (c) 24
              Landing a trick earns you boost power, which can be very helpful for catching up to opponents. Sub-  (d) 26
              stantially filling your boost meter allows access to higher levels of even more rewarding tricks, so it
              is always a tough, strategic decision whether to utilise the boost immediately or conserve the power
              for later.                                                            8. Cans of sardines of height 6 cm and diameter 4 cm are placed in a carton of length
              Crashes are common until you learn the best routes and the optimal stunt opportunities on each of
              the 12 gorgeous courses, but the consequences are thankfully not too punitive, reducing frustration.     128 cm, width 76 cm and height 12 cm. How many cans will fit in a carton?
              Success is rewarded with access to new events and new parts for your customised vehicles. The tool
              for creating your own ride is fiddly though, so it’s much easier to simply let the computer assemble the   (a) 1206                      (b) 608                          (c) 610                      (d) 1216
              best bike for racing or stunt work.
              More events, tracks and vehicle types would have given the game more depth and variety, but the
              online multiplayer action is certain to be popular.                   9. A 6 cm by 6 cm cube is painted all over with black paint. If this cube is split into
                                                            The Age, October 9  2008  1 cm unit cubes, how many of the unit cubes will have two sides covered with black
             1. Vertiginous comes from which word meaning dizzying:
              (a) vertical             (b) vertigo         (c) vertice            (d) vertebrate                                                                     (a) 36                         (b) 40                             (c) 44                          (d) 48

             2. The 4WD vehicle is described as a steed. A steed is actually a:     10. Owen borrowed 4.6 million dollars from his mate Ben. However Ben gives him
              (a) camel              (b) mule                         (c) horse                    (d) bull                                   an interest of 5% per annum. If Owen didn’t pay Ben back anything for 3 years, how
                                                                                    much does he now owe Ben?
             3. Read the paragraph that the word punitive is in. In its context,
             we can determine that it means:                                         (a) $4600000         (b) $5290000                (c) $4830000            (d) $5325075
              (a) punishing              (b) easy     (c) gorgeous             (d)frustrating

             4. Freestyle competition is distinct from races and sprints in that:  ·Check your answers on our website  →
                                                                                    ■ You may check the answers for these questions at Edu-Kingdom College website
              (a) you travel through water             (b) you are rewarded for saving petrol  ·Answer can be found under "SUPPORT"   → "Answers for weekly Samples"
                                                                                You may see the title ‘Answers for Weekly Samples’ under the
              (c) the emphasis is on speed            (d) the more tricks, the more you score      ‘News’ section.
             5. What is the reviewer’s only criticism of Pure?
              (a) the locations are boring                                                                                 ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
              (b) it is too easy to crash
              (c) it could do with more options to give it variety                                                         ·문의 : 02 9890 7177
              (d) the vehicles cannot be modified by the player

                                                                                                                                 중급편은 72page를 확인해주세요.
                                                      전화 통화

                                                   · Did you call me?  ( 디쥬 콜 미? )  전화하셨어요?
                                                       · What time do you get up? (왓 타임 두 유 겟 업?)  보통 몇 시에 일어나요?
                         왕초보 영어
                        왕 초보  영 어                  · Yes, you were out so I left a message.    ( 예스, 유 워 아웃 쏘 아이 레프트 어 메시지 ) 네, 안 계셔서 메시지 남겼어요.
                                                       · What time do you go to bed? (왓 타임 두 유 고우 투 베드?)  보통 몇 시에 잠자리에 들어요?
                                                   ·  I'm sorry that I couldn't answer your call.    (아임 쏘리 댓 아이 쿠든 앤써 유어 콜)  전화 못 받아서 죄송합니다.
                                                       · Do you eat breakfast? (두 유 잇 브렉퍼스트?) 아침 식사는 하세요?
                                                   · I got a message saying to call you.  ( 아이 갓 어 메시지 세잉 투 콜 유 )  전화 달라는 메시지를 받고 전화 드려요.
                                                       · I'm sorry, but could we change our appointment? (아임 쏘리, 벗 쿠드 위 체인지 아우어 어포인먼트?)
                                                   · I'll put you through to James.  (아일 풋 유 쓰루 투 제임스) 제임스 씨에게 전화 돌려 드릴게요.
                                                            죄송합니다만, 약속을 변경해도 될까요?
                                                   · I'll connect you to the right section.   (아일 커넥트 유 투 더 라잇 섹션) 전화를 담당 부서로 연결해 드리겠습니다.
                                                        · I'm sorry I'm late. (아임 쏘리 아임 레잇) 늦어서 미안해요.
                                                           Expression / word
                                                          Expression / word 기초편
                                                         ·left : 남기다              ·call: 전화하다                 ·messege: 문자
                                                           ·get up: 일어나다              ·breakfast: 아침 식사       ·appointment: 약속
                                                         ·Connect: 접속하다           ·Section : 부서               ·answer: 응답하다
                                                           ·go to bed: 잠자리에 들다        ·change: 변경하다           ·late: 늦다
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