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MY Educatiion / 교육
                                Weekly Sample Questions #50
                                 Weekly Sample Questions #50

                                        for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students
                                                      for Selective School Exam Preparation
                                                                   Power General Ability

                                        Power English                                5. It is mostly likely that the poet wrote “On the Rocks” because he was fascinated by the
              Questions 1 ~  5                                                        (a)impact of the sea on the rock pool.
                                                                                      (b)unusual beauty of creatures that inhabit rock pools.
                                                                                      (c)way in which a crab survives in its environment.
                                        On the Rocks                                  (d)way creatures coexist in a marine environment.
               A crab, spurting from the water,                  By John Foulcher                          Power Mathematics
               dangling its legs over shells. It lugs its body
               sideways, like a survivor dragged clear,                              6.Iris was absent to an exam because of a fever, so she had to take her Maths test a few
               then shudders into speed                                              days late. She scored 96 on her exam which was found to raise the class average on the
               a hovercraft’s height from the rocks, sidestepping                    test from 81 to 82. How many students took the test altogether?
                     periwinkles                                                     A. 12               B. 13          C. 14                 D. 15
               with the ease of a waiter through tables,
               lowers its harness of crab-meat                                       7. 5 minutes ago, the sum of the strawberry flavoured Skittles and blueberry flavoured
               till its belly grinds into the pattern of polyps;                     Skittles was 28. Brian eats one strawberry Skittles and one blueberry Skittles at a time
               its pincers twist in, legs become ridges in the stone.                in an alternating pattern. At present there are nine times as many blueberry Skittles as
               Suddenly splinters of smashed water fill the rock pool,               there are strawberry. If Brian ate 18 Skittles in the past 5 minutes, how many strawberry
               The sea snatching up loose life,                                      Skittles did he start with, assuming that there are only those two flavours?
               leaving in a crossfire of foam.                                       A. 18               B. 16          C. 10                 D. 12
               Not with the crab though. The crab
               Waits, jerks into limbs and extremities
               And runs through the instant of the water’s withdrawal,               8. If the length and the width of a side of a certain rectangle are both increased by 1
                 wedges                                                              m, then the area is increased by 10 m². If only the lengths of this bigger rectangle are
                 between rocks                                                       increased further by 2 m, by how many square metres is this new rectangle larger than
                 like a lost coin.                                                   the second rectangle?
               Only its eyes spring from the crevice, dulled with cloud and my shadow.  A. 4m                         B. 6 m 2   C. 8 m                   D. 10 m 2
              1. The poet compares the crab to a waiter in order to describe         9. Samuel bought a jigsaw puzzle of a picture of a house. The scale is 1 cm : 0.25 m. If each
               (a)how rapidly the crab is able to move.    (b)how efficient the crab is at hunting food.  jigsaw puzzle piece is 3 cm by 3 cm on average, and the chimney is made by 4 pieces in a
               (c)the method the crab uses to catch food.      (d)the skilful movements of the crab.            row, how high is the chimney in real life?
              2. Which is these quotations suggests that the crab is camouflaged?    A. 2.75 m         B. 3 m           C. 3.25 m                  D. 3.50 m

                (a)“dangling its legs over shells”                   (b)“a hovercraft’s height from the rocks”
                (c)“legs become ridges in the stone”                 (d)“snatching up loose life”  10. David was born on the 14th May. If his sister’s birthday is 359 days after his, when
                                                                                     will her birthday be in next year? (Assume next year is a leap year.)
                                                                                        th               th                 th                   th
              3. Which of the following words from the poem describes one of the     A. 7  May          B. 8  May                C.  9  May                 D.10  May
                  crab’s actions?                                                    ● You may check the answers for these questions at Edu-Kingdom College website
               (a)“shudders”            (b) “smashed”       (c) “leaving”             (d) “withdrawal” You may see the title ‘Answers for Weekly Samples’ under the ‘News’ section.

              4. The poet gives the word "wedges" a line of its own because
              (a)The word has an unusual meaning in the context of the poem.                                                ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
              (b)He wants to visually represent the meaning of the word.                                                    ·문의 : 02 9890 7177
              (c)The theme of the poem is represented in the word.
              (d)It marks a change in the tone of the poem.

                                                                                                                                중급편은 72page를 확인해주세요.
                                                 승차-택시                                                                        중급편은 78page를 확인해주세요.
                                                       감정표현 - 슬픔/걱정/위로/충고
                                                      실생활에서 많이 쓰이는 500문장!
                                                · Where is your destination?  (웨어 이즈 유어 데스티네이션?)  어디까지 가십니까?
                                                       · I'm sad.  (아임 쌔드)  슬퍼요.
                        왕 초보  영 어               · Airport, please.  (에어포트, 플리즈)  공항으로 가 주세요.                                왕 초보  영 어
                                                      1  There is no arranged seating.  지정석이 없습니다.
                                                       · Is something worrying you?  (이즈 썸씽 워리잉 유?)  무슨 걱정거리라도 있으세요?
                         실생활 기초 영어!
                                                · Please take me to this address.  (플리즈 테익 미 투 디스 어드레스)  이 주소로 가 주세요.
                                                       · Take heart.  (테익 하트) 용기를 가지세요.
                                                      2   Few guests arrived on time.  제시간에 도착한 손님은 거의 없었다.
                                                · Could you try and make this a fast trip?  (쿠쥬 튜라이 앤 메익 디스 어 파스트 튜립?)
                                                       · You have my condolences.  (유 햅 마이 컨돌런시즈) 애도를 표합니다.
                                                     빨리 가 주세요.
                                                      3   He asked for it. 그 자식 스스로 무덤을 팠군.
                                                       · Calm down. (캄 다운) 진정해요.
                                                · We're late. Hurry up, please. (위아 레잇. 허리 업, 플리즈) 늦었어요. 서둘러 주세요.
                                                       · Let it go. (렛 잇 고) 당신이 참으세요.
                                                      4   Why don't you ask someone else? 다른 사람한테도 알아보지 그러세요?.
                                                · Take the shortest route, please.  (테익 더 쇼티스트 루트, 플리즈) 제일 빠른 길로 가 주세요.
                                                          Expression / word
                                                      5  I asked him point-blank.  그 사람한테 단도직입적으로 물어봤다.
                                                     Expression / word             ·sad: 슬프다                   ·have: ~을 가지다, ~이 있다, 소유하다
                                                           ·worrying: 걱정거리
                                                           ·condolences: 애도  ·address. : 주소
                                                    ·Please. : 부탁합니다.                         ·Airport  : 공항
                                                                                   ·take : ~가지다, 가져가다
                                                      6 Don't assume too much. 넘겨짚지 마세요.                       ·something: 어떤 것
                                                    ·Hurry up : 서둘러      ·Where : 어디          ·shortest route : 제일 빠른 길
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