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MY Educatiion / 교육
                                    Weekly Sample Questions #7

                                                     for Selective School Exam Preparation

                                      Power English                                                      Power Mathematics

             Questions for 1 to 5                                                   6. Dylan starts at year 2001 and counts downwards 9 at a time, giving
                                                                                    the  sequence  of years 2001, 1992, 1983… a year which he will count is …
                                     - The New Teacher -
                                                                                    (a) 1732                          (b)  1725                        (c) 1719                  (d) 1722
              Ellen had never lived so far out in the country. She’d been brought up near Mel-
              bourne, where her parents owned a small grocery store. It had been a wrench to
              leave her family and her friends to come here – but it was an adventure, too!  7. A bottle of water is three-fifths full. A recipe requires half a bottle of
              Well, she’d been in Jinderoo for more than a year, and the country way of life, at   water. What fraction will be left in the bottle after the recipe is made?
              first so strange, was now familiar and comfortable. She had learned to wear stout   (a)    5              (b)     4                      (c)    8                       (d)   10
              boots, to save her washing water for the garden flowers, to rise earlier and go to
              bed sooner. She boarded with a widow who had a spare room in her house, and   8. A stick is 11 m long. When held upright in a watertank, 4 m of the  stick
              who did her best to give Ellen the plumpness she associated with good health.  is above the water. What is the depth of the water in the tank?
              “My, you’re skinny,” she would remark sorrowfully, glancing at Ellen’s trim waist;   (a)  8 m                             (b)  7 m                            (c)  6 m                                (d) 5 m
              and Ellen would laugh, and eat another drop - scone thickly spread with butter,

              just to please her.                                                   9. Emily Dickinson, one of the most famous poets of the 1800's, wrote
              Ellen’s predecessor in the schoolhouse had been Mr. Greg. The children, so used to   1,700  poems in her lifetime, but it was only until 1944 that her poems
              saying “Please, sir”, “Yes, sir”, “No, sir”, had found it difficult to get used to the idea   became popular and a  complete edition of her poems were printed. Only
              of saying “miss” instead. Hands were clapped to mouths in consternation each time   eleven of her poems were published in her lifetime, but after an accurate,
              the mistake occurred, and an infectious giggle would ripple round the room.  complete edition of her poems  was printed in 1944, her popularity grew.
                                                                                    What percent of Ms. Dickinson's  poems were printed in her lifetime?
                         A passage form “Brief Encounters” written by Barbara Ker Wilson
                                                                                    (a)  43%                  (b) 0.43%                       (c) 0.65                            (d)  65%
             1. The protagonist in this passage is?
             (a) a widow                    (b) a teacher                 (c) a farm girl             (d) a child  10. There are 5 grey, 3 navy, 2 blue, and 5 pink marbles in a hat. You pick
                                                                                    2 marbles  from the hat. Marbles are not returned after they have been
             2. The relationship between the widow and Ellen can best be described as  drawn. (The first marble is navy and the second marble is blue). Find the
             (a) tense                            (b) caring                         (c) joyfu                          (d) distant  probability.
                                                                                     (a)                                     (b)                                    (c)                                      (d)   1
             3. Which reason is most likely to have helped Ellen decide to move to Jinderoo?  12          24                35                 18
             (a) She liked a new challenge.         (b) She was tired of living in the city.
             (c) She needed to live a more healthy life.    (d) She wanted to learn more about the country.  ● Check your answers on our website Answers can be found under
                                                                                    NEWS ▶ Answers for weekly samples
             4. How easy was the move from the city for Ellen?
             (a) very easy                 (b) not easy                 (c) it was a duty                   (d) she had to move
                                                                                                                           ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
             5. In the last paragraph, the word “consternation” could best be replaced by
             (a) helplessness                    (b) tears                       (c) anxiety                        (d) surprise   ·문의 : 02 9890 7177

                                                                                                                              중급편은 78page를 확인해주세요.
                                                 문장/ 관광                                                                         중급편은 74page를 확인해주세요.
                                                     실생활에서 많이 쓰이는 500문장!
                                                · Where is the tourist information center?   (웨어 이즈 더 투어리스트 인포메이션 센터?)
                                                  · I think I have an ear infection. (아이 씽크 아이 햅 언 이어 인펙션) 귀에 염증이 생긴 것 같아요.
                                                     관광 안내소가 어디예요?
                                                     1   It's about time.  그럴 때도 됐지.
                                                · Do you have a free map?  (두 유 햅 어 프리 맵?)  무료 지도가 있어요?
                         실생활 기초 영어!                  입장료는 얼마예요?                                                            왕 초보  영 어
                                                  · How long have you been feeling sick?  (하우 롱 햅 유 빈 필링 씩?)  언제부터 아팠어요?
                         왕 초보  영 어 · How much is the admission fee?  (하우 머치 이즈 디 어드미션 피?)
                                                  · Let me examine your ears.   (렛 미 이그재민 유어 이어즈) 귀를 좀 봅시다.
                                                     2   Everything is all abroad.  모든 것이 다 들통 났다.
                                                · How long does the tour program last?  (하우 롱 더즈 더 투어 프로그램 라스트?)
                                                  · I have an upset stomach.  (아이 햅 언 업셋 스터먹 ) 배탈이 났어요.
                                                     3   He is two years ahead of me in school. 그는 학교 2년 선배예요.
                                                     이 여행 프로그램은 시간이 얼마나 걸려요?
                                                  · I ache all over.  (아이 에이크 올 오버)  몸살이 났어요.
                                                · Can you come to meet me at the hotel?  (캔 유 컴 투 밋 미 앳 더 호텔?)
                                                     4   I hope she's still around. 그녀가 멀리 간 게 아니었으면 좋겠네요.
                                                     호텔에서 마중해 주시겠어요?.
                                                  · I think I ate something that was off.  (아이 씽크 아이 에잇 썸씽 댓 워즈 오프) 상한 음식을 먹은 것 같아요.
                                                    Expression / word
                                                     5  He has been around. 그는 세상 물정에 밝아요.
                                                          Expression / word
                                                   ·free map : 무료맵        ·information : 안내소   ·Do you have : ~가지고있어요?
                                                         ·infection : 염증
                                                   ·tour program : 여행 프로그램  ·tourist : 관광  ·examine: 조사하다     ·ache : (계속 지속적으로) 아프다
                                                                                               · hotel : 호텔
                                                     6   The job interview is just around the corner.  면접이 얼마 남지 않았네.
                                                         ·how long :  얼마나 오래           ·stomach: 위, 위가있는 부위   ·sick: 아프다
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