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MY Educatiion / 교육
                                Weekly Sample Questions #48
                                 Weekly Sample Questions #48

                                       for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students
                                        for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students

                                                                   Power General Ability
                                                                   Power General Ability

             1. Find a word that is the odd one out.                                7. A block of chocolate is divided among Cindy, Geoff and Harold. Har-
               (a) PEEVISH                       (b)  GRUMPY                        old is given two-fifths of the block; Cindy is given one-third of the whole
               (c) CRABBY                        (d)   PRUDENT                      block. All the rest is given to Geoff. Around what percentage of the block
                                                                                    does he receive?

             2.Which group of letters is missing in this series?                    (a) 40 %              (b)  27 %          (c) 22 %            (d) 20 %

                                FU      SH       JQ      OL      _____    KP
                                                                                    Questions 8 to 9 refer to the following information:
              (a) MN                  (b)  NM                        (c) NO           (d)  LM  The number codes of the following four words are given below.
                                                                                      These codes are not written in the same order as the words.
             3. If the words below were rearranged to form the best sentence, what                       BONE    SONG    NOSE    GOES
             word would come last?                                                                          5132     8124      4138      3142

                         the  time  wonderful  a  has  trivial  weeding  of  out  way  8. What is the code for the word NOSE ?

              (a) out                (b) time                       (c) way                     (d) trivial  (a)  5132           (b) 8124         (c) 4138                   (d) 3142

                                                                                    9. Find the code for the word BEGS?
             4. BIGOTRY is to HATRED as FANATICISM is to _________.
                                                                                     (a) 3248              (b) 4283            (c)5284                   (d) 5438
             (a)  JUSTICE                          (b) ARBITRATION
             (c) VIOLENCE                          (d) INTOLERANCE                  10. Which is the most likely number needed to complete the following pattern?

                                                                                                         3        5      13       45      173       ?
             5. If I was wearing a toupee I would have on                              (a) 248             (b)  324            (c) 456                    (d)  685

             (a)  a hat                                            (b)  false hair
             (c)  a vest                          (d)  a glove                     ·Check your answers on our website  →
                                                                                    ■ You may check the answers for these questions at Edu-Kingdom College website
                                                                                   ·Answer can be found under "SUPPORT"   → "Answers for weekly Samples"
                                                                                You may see the title ‘Answers for Weekly Samples’ under the
             6. Which is the most likely number needed to complete the following        ‘News’ section.
                                 8  9  11  5   5  6   10                                                                   ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
                                 8  1   7  4  15  2   ?
                                                                                                                           ·문의 : 02 9890 7177
             (a) 10                           (b) 2                             (c) 12                                (d) 30

                                                                                                                                 중급편은 72page를 확인해주세요.
                                                                                                                                회화편은  66page를 확인해주세요.
                                                   언테테인먼트                                                                     중급편은 78page를 확인해주세요.
                                                      실생활에서 많이 쓰이는 500문장!
                                                   · Can I see the program and price table?  캔 아이 씨 더 프로그램 앤 프라이스 테이블?)
                                                       · Do you have the time?    (두 유 햅 더 타임?)  지금 몇 시예요?
                                                        프로그램과 가격표를 보여 주세요.
                                                      1 Did you ace your finals last semester?  지난 학기 기말시험 잘 봤어?
                                                       · Oh, my watch says one thirty.  (오, 마이 워치 쎄즈 원 써티) 어, 제 시계는 한 시 삼십 분인데요. 보  영 어
                        왕 초보  영 어                  · Yes. You can look at these for information.  (예스. 유 캔 룩 앳 디즈 포 인포메이션)   왕 초
                         실생활 기초 영어!
                                                       · It's one fifteen pm.  (잇츠 원 피프틴 피엠)  오후 한 시 십오 분이에요.
                                                      2  I'm aching in the joints.    마디마디가 쑤신다.
                                                        네, 이걸 참고 하세요.
                                                       · Looks like your watch is fast.  (룩스 라익 유어 워치 이즈 패스트) 그 시계가 빠르네요.
                                                   · When does it begin?  (웬 더스 잇 비긴? )  이것은 몇 시에 시작해요?
                                                      3 My body aches all over.  몸살이 났다.
                                                       · What time should I be there?   (왓 타임 슈드 아이 비 데어?) 몇 시에 갈까요?
                                                   · It will begin in an hour.  (잇 윌 비긴 인 언 아우어)  한 시간 후에 시작합니다.
                                                      4 Are you adding fuel to the fire?   불난 집에 부채질합니까?
                                                       · What's the time difference with Korea?   (왓츠 더 타임 디퍼런스 윗 코리아?) 한국과 시차가 얼마예요?
                                                   · What seats are available? (왓 씻츠 아 어베일러블?)  어떤 좌석이 있어요?
                                                      5 Koreans add a year as soon as babies are born.  한국에서는 태어나자마자 한 살이에요.
                                                    Expression / word
                                                           Expression / word
                                                           ·watch: 시계
                                                    ·program : 프로그램        ·when : 몇시            ·what : 어떤       ·time difference: 시차
                                                                                 ·What time: 몇 시
                                                      6 Stop acting coy.  내숭 좀 그만 떨어.
                                                    ·price table : 가격표     ·begin : 시작                            ·say : 말하다
                                                           ·fast: 빠르다
                                                                                 ·don't have: ~이 없다. ·two : 두 장
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