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MY Educatiion / 교육
                                Weekly Sample Questions #49
                                Weekly Sample Questions #49

                                       for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students
                                       for Selective School Exam Preparation for year 5 students

                                       Power English               Power General Ability                  Power Mathematics

             Questions 1 ~ 4                                                        6.One child can build a LEGO castle in 18 hours, and the second

                                    HOMEWORK WOES                                   child takes 6 hours. How long would it take the two children
                                                                                    together to build a LEGO castle?
               VANESSA CLELLAND                                                      (a) 5 hours                                          (b) 4 hours 45 minutes
               Year 8, GLADSTONE PARK SC                                             (c) 4 hours 30 minutes                                   (d) 4 hours 15 minute
               There is too much homework for students. Students should be at movies,
               over at friends’ houses, etc, but instead they are spending hours cooped up   7. If the length of a side of a certain square is increased by 6 m, then the
               in their room, researching what they should have done at school. Schools   area is increased by 60 m². If the length of a side of this bigger square is
               last from between 6-7 hours; surely that is long enough. My little sister is in   then increased by a further 7 m, how many square metres bigger than
               Grade 1 and spends on average nearly two hours a night doing homework.
               Is that really acceptable for a six-year-old? There has been no evidence to   the original square is this new square?
               support the argument that homework improves achievement. Students’    (a)  191 m                   (b)  201 m                    (c) 211 m                   (d)221 m 2
               mental health is at risk. Remember children are the future and we will be
               looking at a bleak future if the pressure and endless amounts of homework
               continue. We need to stop, or reduce, homework before it is too late.    8. Daniel was born on the 14th September. If his sister’s birthday is 42
                                                             Spress October 2008    days inclusive after his, when was she born?
                                                                                     (a) 24  October          (b) 25  October              (c) 26  October          (d) 27  October
             1. This piece of writing is what text type?                             9.  The volume of a trapezoidal prism is 660 cm  The base trapezium has
               (a) exposition          (b) narrative             (c) opinionative          (d) procedure   a perpendicular height of 6 cm, and one of the horizontal sides are 10 cm. If
             2. What was causing Matthew to be nervous?                              the height of the prism is 10 cm, how long is the other horizontal side of the
               (a)There is too much homework for students.                           (a) 12 cm          (b) 10 cm                    (c) 6 cm            (d)18 cm
               (b) Schools last from between 6-7 hours.
               (c) Students’ mental health is at risk.                              10. A ship takes 5 days to travel from Perth to Hobart through an inland
               (d) We need to stop or reduce homework before it is too late.
                                                                                    river, and 7 days to return. The continuous velocity of the river is 300 km
             3. Which of these seems to be the writer’s main concern?               per day, from Perth to Hobart. What is the speed of the ship?

               (a) Students’ mental health is at risk.             (b) Students should be having fun.  (a) 1,800 km/per day                                  (b) 1,900 km/per day
               (c) Not enough work is done at school.         (d) Homework does not improve achievement.  (c) 2,000 km/per day                                  (d) 2,100 km/per day
                                                                                    ·Check your answers on our website  →
             4. Which psychological issue do you think this article most closely    ● Check your answers on our website
                                                                                    ·Answer can be found under "SUPPORT"   → "Answers for weekly Samples"
                 relates to?                                                         Answers can be found under "NEWS" ▶ "Answers for weekly samples"
               (a)Anger management     (b)Schizophrenia      (c)Pyromania     (d)Depression
                                                                                                                            ·기사제공 :  EDU-KINGDOM
             5. Define the meaning of  “quintessential”                                                                     ·문의 : 02 9890 7177
               (a) Ideal              (b) Typical                  (c) Quaint                (d) Stereotypical

                                                                                                                                 중급편은 72page를 확인해주세요.
                                                                                                                              중급편은 78page를 확인해주세요.
                                                       대화 - 식사
                                                   식당 - 예약/입구
                                                    실생활에서 많이 쓰이는 500문장!
                                                       · Do you eat breakfast?  (두 유 잇 브렉퍼스트?)  아침 식사는 하세요?
                                                   · Do you have a reservation?  (두 유 해브 어 레저베이션?) 예약하셨습니까?
                        왕 초보  영 어
                                                       · I usually skip it.   (아이 유쥬얼리 스킵 잇)  아침 식사는 거르는 편이에요.
                                                   · No, we don't. Do you have room for two?  (노우, 위 돈. 두 유 해브 룸 포 투?)
                                                    1  He must address the problem.  그는 그 문제를 처리해야만 한다.
                        실생활 기초 영어!                      예약하지 않았어요. 두 명이 앉을 자리가 있어요?                                         왕 초보  영 어
                                                       · Where do you have lunch? (웨어 두 유 햅 런치?) 점심은 어디서 먹어요?
                                                    2   We adjourned the meeting until next Friday.   우리는 다음 주 금요일까지 모임을 연기하였다.
                                                   · I'm Young-hee Lee.   (아임 영-히 리) 나는 이영희야.
                                                       · What time do you have dinner?   (왓 타임 두 유 햅 디너?) 저녁 식사는 언제 하세요?
                                                   · How long will it take?  (하우 롱 윌 잇 테익?)  얼마나 기다려야 해요?
                                                    3   I advise you to be cautious.  조심하셔야 합니다.
                                                       · I need my coffee in the morning.  (아이 니드 마이 커피 인 더 모닝) 아침에는 반드시 커피를 마셔야 해요.
                                                   · About twenty minutes.  (어바웃 트웬티 미니츠)  이십 분 정도 기다리셔야 해요.
                                                       ·I eat at a restaurant nearby.    (아이 잇 앳 어 레스토랑 니어바이) 근처 식당에서 먹어요.
                                                    4  Winter affects me a lot.   저는 유난히 겨울을 타요.
                                                      Expression / word
                                                           Expression / word
                                                    5  I could not afford the time. 그만한 시간을 낼 수가 없었다.
                                                           ·Skip: 거르다, 건너뛰다 ·we don't : 하지 않았었요
                                                     ·reservation : 예약           ·What time: 몇 시   ·have : 가지다     ·usually: 보통, 대개
                                                     ·how long : 얼마나 오래   ·room : 방, 자리           ·About  : 대략     ·where : 어디에, 어디로, 어디에서
                                                                                 ·need: 필요하다
                                                           ·nearby: 근처
                                                    6 They agree like cats and dogs. 걔들은 진짜 사이가 나빠
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