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MY Educatiion / 교육
                                   Weekly Sample Questions #5

                                                     for Selective School Exam Preparation

                                     Power English                                                         Power Mathematics

             Questions for 1 to 3                                                   6.  What is the quotient of  0.125  ÷  0.05?
                         Thankful to Know           1. Who might the poet be
                                                        addressing?                  (a) 0.25                        (b) 2.5                           (c) 25                        (d) 0.025
              Thankful to know when the landscape is   (a) A partner
              shining.                              (b) A mother
              When warm winds are blowing           (c) A God                                7          1
              And nature is fair,                   (d) A good friend               7.  If  ♥ =        and  ♣ =         what is the value of  ♥ ÷ ♣ ?
              Thankful to find that your smile is still glowing,                        5                 7
              Thankful to know that your music is there.                             (a)     8             (b)                        (c) 7               (d )14
              Thankful to know when the night sky is   2. In this poem, what does the              1
              gleaming                                  word ‘know’ actually mean?  8. It took Jim  1       hours to drive 75 kilometres to his parent’s house.
              And breezes are colder                (a) The intelligence of the poet.      What was Jim’s average speed?
              But sweeten the air,                  (b) A complete and utter
              Thankful to feel your strong hand on       comprehension of life.                                                              (d) 60 km/h
              my shoulder,                          (c) A comfort zone for expression.  (a) 44 km/h           (b) 52 km/h                   (c) 58 km/h
              Thankful to know that you always will care.  (d) An awareness of life.
                                                                                    9. The Council of Whitehorse has decided to put a paved path around
              Thankful to know when the morning comes
              calling, The world reemerges                                          Black burn Field. The path will be built so that the area of the park re-
                                                    3. What is the intention of     mains the same. If the path is to be 3 m wide, what will be the perimeter
              And moves everywhere,                    this poem?                   of the path and the park? The dimensions of the park are 210 m x 460m.
              As I am driven by all of its surges,  (a) Being grateful for the things
              Thankful you steady the life that we share.        we own.            (a) 1084 m              (b) 1186 m                  (c) 1264 m                 (d) 1364 m
                                                    (b) Being pleased you live in
              Thankful to know as the years lie before us        Australia.
              Love is a fabric                      (c) Appreciating our natural    10. Mr. Benson had $3000 in his savings account. A year later, he had
              That nothing can tear.                                                $4000  because interest accrued on his savings. Find the percent increase.
              As you transform ordinary to magic,        surrounds.
              Thankful to know that you’ll always be there.  (d) Appreciating what we’ve got.  (a) 25%                     (b) 26%                           (c) 32.5%                   (d) 33.3%

             4. The word ‘love’ is what kind of noun?
             (a) proper.                 (b) common.                                ● You may check the answers for these questions at Edu-Kingdom College website
                                                                            You may see the title ‘Answers for Weekly Samples’ under the ‘News’ section.
             (c) abstract.               (d) collective.

             5. The word ‘nature’ is what kind of noun?
             (a) proper.                 (b) common.
             (c) abstract.               (d) collective.

                                                                                                                                 중급편은 76page를 확인해주세요.
                                                         What’s new ?

                                                         What’s new, Emily? (왓츠 뉴, 에밀리?) 무슨 일이에요, 에밀리?
                                                         Well, actually I have some big news. (웰, 액츄얼리 아이 해브 썸  빅 뉴스)  음, 사실은 중요한 소식이 있는데요.
                                                         Really? Do share! (리얼리? 두 쉐어!) 그래요? 알려줘요!
                                                         I’m getting married soon. (아임 게팅 메리드 쑨) 저 곧 결혼해요.
                                                         No kidding! Wow, that’s fantastic news, Emily. I’m so happy for you!
                                                         (노 키딩! 와우, 댓츠 판타스틱 뉴스, 에밀리. 아임 쏘 해피 포 유)  농담 아니죠! 와, 멋진 소식인데요, 에밀리. 정말 기뻐요!
                                                         I’m happy too. But very nervous also. (아임 해피 투. 벗 베리 널버스 얼쏘) 저도 기뻐요. 그런데 무척 떨리기도 해요.

                                                          Expression / words
                                                          ·share : 나누다, 공유하다              · big : 중요한, 큰               · nervous : 긴장되는, 떨리는
                                                          ·I’m happy for ~. : ~가 잘됐다, ~에 감사하다.  · fantastic : 환상적인, 멋진, 대단한  · also : 또한

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